Yes, you can mask the barracudaCMS application URL to other URL provided that you have your own domain/server. You need to create a sub-domain and place an index file that will be prepared by our technical team on a specific directory to perform the URL masking procedure.
Please refer step by step below to perform URL Masking.
Step by Step:
- Create a specific directory to perform URL masking procedure
- Place an index file (to be provided by our technical team)
- Create a desired sub-domain and link it to directory created earlier
Below is the step by step to create a subdomain if you're using cPanel.
- From Home screen, click on Subdomains (under Domains section)
- Go to Create a sub-domain section
- Enter the desired prefix in the sub-domain text box
- Select the desired main domain from the menu
- Enter the home directory for the sub-domain in the Document Root text box
For example, if your desired name for:
- directory: cms
- sub-domain:
Below is step by step must be taken:
- Create cms directory on your hosted website
- Place an index file as provided into this directory
- Create sub-domain then link it to cms directory created
- By doing that, new URL will always appear as