Table of Contents
1.4.Extracurricular Activities
1.8.Attendance and Coursework Status
A student portal is an online gateway where students can log into a institution website to access important program information. It contains information on programs offered, transcripts, timetables, exam schedules and many more.
By default, student can access to the Student Portal using his/her Student ID as an username and IC/Passport as a password. Password can be changed once student access to the Student Portal.
In CMS, there are several features included in Student Portal such as Semester Registration/Online Self Registration, Document Checklist, Disciplinary Record, Extracurricular Activities, Account Status, Subject List, Add/Drop Subject, Attendance & Coursework Status, Online Notes, Exam Slip, Exam Result, Timetable, Customer Service and OPAC.
Once student successfully access to the Student Portal, student will be redirected to the homepage/dashboard. In the dashboard, student is able to view the alerts, reminder, announcement and the features provided.
Online semester/self registration is an alternative way to register student to the next semester. However, this action will be performed by student itself via Student Portal instead of staff to perform the action.
Click on the Semester Registration link to access Semester Registration page.
To perform semester registration, refer the following steps.
1. Verify academic session and semester number
2. Click Register button
System will forbid student to register to the next semester if below details are complied:
- Student has outstanding balance
- Student is not eligible due to the academic status (refer to academic status rules setting)
- Student has already registered to the respected semester
Upon self registration, system will automatically increase student semester number, issue semester bills and copy semester subject to the student.
Student Semester Number
Document checklist feature is provided to alert the student whether the documents required by the institution has been submitted or not.
Click on the Document Checklist link to access Document Checklist page.
The tick sign indicates that the document has been submitted by the student and vice versa. The clip symbol indicates that the document submitted has been uploaded into the system (Staff Portal) and student is able to download it from Student Portal.
Disciplinary record is a feature used to keep track student's disciplinary record. Student can view his/her disciplinary record in the Student Portal if it is recorded by the staff.
Click on the Disciplinary Record link to access Disciplinary Record page.
Student's violation list can be seen as above.
1.4.Extracurricular Activities
This feature is used to keep track student's extracurricular activities. Any co-curricular activities that student participated can be recorded by the staff and student is able to view it in the Student Portal.
Click on the Extracurricular Activities link to access Extracurricular Activities page.
Account status feature is used to keep track student's financial transactions such as invoices generated, payment issued, cancellation of transaction and many more. The transactions in this feature is exactly same as in the Student Ledger in Staff Portal.
Click on the Account Status link to access Account Status page.
Student is allowed to print the invoices and receipts generated directly from Student Portal by clicking on the document number link if the access for both items are granted.
In this feature, student is able to view the list of subjects offered for each semester and status of the subject whether it has been completed or not. Student can also view total credit hours earned as well as total of credit hours to be completed.
Click on the Subject List link to access Subject List feature.
The list of subjects offered each semester according to the student's intake study plan can be seen as below.
The rules of the subject list display can be seen here.
Add/Drop Subject is developed to allow student enrol his/her subject upon new semester.
Click on the Add/Drop Subject link to access Add/Drop Subject page.
There are several settings that must be done before add/drop subject can be done. Click here for more details.
To add subject, refer following steps.
1. Choose subject from Subject Offered dropdown list
2. Click on Add button
New subject will be added into the list.
3. Click on Choose Section link
New popup screen will appear where student is able to choose which section to follow.
4. Choose section
5. Click on Add button
Respected section will be tied to student accordingly.
If the class is already full upon add/drop session, student needs to choose another section/class.
Change section can be done by clicking on the Change link as below.
To change the section, refer following steps:
1. Choose section
2. Click on Change button
New section will be tied to student accordingly.
Click on Drop link to drop the subject.
1.8.Attendance and Coursework Status
Attendance & Coursework Status feature is provided to allow student to view the attendance percentage and coursework mark for each of subjects taken on the specific semester and academic session.
Click on the Attendance & Coursework Status link to access Attendance & Coursework Status page.
Student can also view the attendance warning percentage set by the institution as a reference.
Clicking on the coursework mark link will redirect student to the Coursework List page as below.
Online notes feature is provided to allow student to download the documents uploaded/shared by the lecturer.
Click on the Online Notes link to access Online Notes page.
To download the file, click on the file link as above.
Please note that the file will no longer appear if the exceed the date expired set by the lecturer.
Exam Slip feature is developed to provide student with the ability to print his/her exam slip/docket for exam purposes. The exam slip is required to be brought during examination week.
Click on the Exam Slip link to access the Examination Docket page.
Click on the Print button to print the examination docket directly from the system.
Please note that student will be blocked from viewing and generating the exam slip/docket if student outstanding balance exceed the amount set by the institution.
The student won't able to generate the exam slip/docket too if the exam slip/docket has not been published yet by the staff.
This feature is provided to allow student to view the semester result's grade, GPA and CGPA.
Click on the Exam Result link to access Exam Result page.
Click on the Print button to print the examination result directly from the system.
Please note that student will be blocked from viewing his/her exam result if student outstanding balance exceed the amount set by the institution.
The student won't able to view the exam result too if the exam result has not been published yet by the staff as well as if the time frame to view the current result has exceed the period set by the institution.
Timetable feature is developed to help student to view his/her weekly academic schedule.
Click on the Timetable link to view the academic schedule.
To view the timetable, refer the following steps.
1. Choose academic week
2. Click View button
The student timetable will be displayed as below.
Customer service feature is provided to allow student to make complaint or request on the damage, housekeeping and many more via Student Portal.
Staff will be notified via email to take an action once new request or complaint is added by the student.
Click on the Customer Service link to access Customer Service page.
To add new request/complaint, below steps should be taken.
1. Click on Add New Request/Complaint link to access Add New Request/Complaint page.
2. Choose category
3. Choose location
4. Select block
5. Select unit
6. Enter subject
7. Enter description
8. Click Submit button
Newly added request/complaint can be seen in the Request/Complaint List as below.
OPAC is an online database of materials held by a library or group of libraries. Users search a library catalog principally to locate books and other material available at a library.
Student is also able to use OPAC in Student Portal to search for any specific items.
Click on OPAC link to access OPAC page.
Item information can be searched using specific keyword or selected options as below.
- Title
- Author
- Publisher
- Item No
- Call Number
- Remarks
- Subject
- Type
- Course
- Status
Click on Search button to search specific item. The list of item will appear as below.
Counselling request is developed to provide student with the ability to request for counselling session via online. Staff will be notified via email once the counselling session is added by student.
Click on the Counselling Request link to access Counselling Request page.
To request for counselling session, refer the following steps.
3. Select counselling type
4. Enter subject
5. Choose counselor
6. Click Submit button
Newly added counselling request will be displayed as below in Counselling List.
Click on Cancel button to cancel the request.
The status of the request will change from Pending Approval to Approved/Rejected once the counselor process the request.
In this feature, student is able to view the student's basic information such as student name, IC no, student ID, faculty, course name, current academic session and semester number as well as contact information.
Click on the My Profile link to access My Profile page as below.
Student is also allowed to change his/her password of Student Portal.
Click on the Change Password link to access Change Password page.
To change the password, below steps can be taken.
1. Enter old password
2. Enter new password
3. Enter confirm password
4. Click Change button
Student password will be updated to the new password.
Download file is a feature that keeps all general files provided by the institutions such as student handbook, hostel clearance form, graduation form and many more.
Student is able to download the files attached directly from the system instead of going to the each departments to get the documents.
Click on the Download File link to access Download File page.
Click on the file name link or download link to download the file attached.