Add/Drop Subject is developed to allow student enrol his/her subject upon new semester. Add/Drop subject can be performed online by student via Student Portal. 

Before student is able to do add/drop subject, below are the settings need to be done by the staff.

  1. Add Drop Session Maximum Credit Hour

    Total credit hours allowed for add/drop session can be set in Academic > Settings > General > Add Drop Session (Max Credit Hour). This setting is provided to block student to enrol the subjects if exceeds the total credit hours allowed.



  2. Add Drop Date

    Add/Drop date range can be set in Academic > Manage Academic Session > Update > Add/Drop Date. Student is only allow to perform add or drop subject within the date range set. Meaning to say, add/drop subject cannot be performed by student before or after the specified date range.



  3. Student Quota for Each Class/Section

    The quota of the class or section of particular subject offered on the respected academic session must be set in Academic > Manage Subject Offer > Manage Section. If the class is already full upon add/drop session, student needs to choose another section/class.


  4. Register Date

    Register date is used to set the period allowed to perform semester registration. Semester registration must be done before student is able to perform add drop subject. Register date can be set in Academic > Manage Academic Session > Update > Register Date.

Once all settings have been set, semester registration must be done by staff before add drop subject can be carried out by student. Student can only perform add drop if student is tied to current semester and academic session. 

To perform semester registration, please refer to Semester Registration guideline.

Add Subject

To add subject, below steps should be taken:

  1.  Access to Student Portal

  2. Click on Add/Drop Subject link
  3. Choose subject from Subject Offered dropdown list
  4. Click on Add button
    New subject will be added into the list.
  5. Click on Choose Section link
    New popup screen will appear where student is able to choose which section to follow.

  6. Choose section
  7. Click on Add button
    Respected section will be tied to student accordingly. 

    If the class is already full upon add/drop session, student needs to choose another section/class.

Change Section

Change section can be done by clicking on the Change link as below. 

To change the section, refer following steps:

  1. Choose section
  2. Click on Change button
    New section will be tied to student accordingly.

Drop Subject

Click on Drop link to drop the subject.