Table of Contents
1.1.4.Online App/Enq Email Notification, Intake and Campus Selection Minimum Requirement
Eligibility Checking Based on Mandatory & Optional Requirement
1.2.2.Login to Online Application Form
Online Application form is a platform used to allow student to apply to study in the specific institution via online. Before online application can be used or applied by the applicants, there are several settings that staff must be configured. The details can be found in this user guide.
This feature is used to configure the online application form rules and behavior. This setting can be found in the Admission module.
Click on the Admission & Record link to access the Settings submodule.
Clicking on the Settings will redirect user to the Settings page as shown below.
The configurations can be done in Online Application feature. Click on the Online Application link as stated above.
There are several settings must be configured here such as Online App Registration, Registration Close Message, No. of Program Choice(s), Check Eligibility, Email Verification and Auto Send Offer Letter.
Each settings purposes will be described as below.
1. Online App Registration: To open or close the application form from the applicant. If the setting is turned off, the online application will be closed to the applicant.
2. Registration Close Message: The setting will only be displayed if the Online App Registration setting is turned off. The information can be edited by clicking
on the value. Click OK to save the record and Cancel to cancel the adjustment.
3. No. of Program Choice(s): To enable the number of program selection allowed in the application form.
4. Check Eligibility: To enable or disable program listed in application form based on the program minimum requirement. Meaning to say, the program that applicant can choose is based on the applicant's academic background entered.
5. Email verification: To enable or disable email address verification upon applicant register to online application.
6. Auto-Send Offer Letter: To enable or disable automatically send program offer letter on successful application.
Auto reply email template can also be configured accordingly by the institution. Both applicant and staff will be notified via email once applicant registered and submitted the application form. The auto reply email template for successful and unsuccessful application can also be managed here.
This setting can also be found in the Admission & Record module.
User must first access to the Settings page in order to access the Admission Template setting.
Clicking on the Admission Template link will redirect user to the Admission Template page.
To create the auto reply email template, refer following steps.
1. Click on Add New Template link to access Add New Template page.
2. Enter template name
3. Choose template type
4. Enter template subject
5. Add placeholders (such as student name, student email, student program and etc.)
6. Click Save button
Verify new template will be added in the list.
This feature is provided to allow user to manage the offer letter to be provided to the successful applicant. Offer letter can be sent/attached automatically within successful email notification or manually send to the applicant.
Offer letter can also be configured by program.
Offer letter can be managed in Admission & Record module under Settings submodule.
Click on the Letter Template link to manage the offer letter.
Refer below steps to add letter template.
1. Click Add New Letter Template link to access Add New Letter page.
2. Enter template name
3. Choose program
4. Add placeholders (such as student name, IC number, intake and etc.)
5. Click Save button
New letter template will be added in the list.
1.1.4.Online App/Enq Email Notification
Online App/Enq email can be set in the System Admin module. The email set is used to notify the staff if there is new registration of application and submission of application form.
This setting can be found in System Admin > Settings. Click on General link as above to configure the email.
The Online App/Enq Email can be found in the Institution Information category as shown below., Intake and Campus Selection
In the application form, program selection is one of the important part for the applicant to fill up. Campus, program and intake selection must be managed before application form is opened to the applicant.
To manage the program offered in the selected intake and campus, user must access to Admission & Record module. User must first access to Manage Reg Day in order to configure this information. Refer steps below for more details.
1. Select campus
2. Select intake
3. Enter registration name (e.g 2016/09 – All program)
4. Enter local deposit
5. Enter international deposit
6. Select registration date from calendar
7. Select registration time from time picker
8. Select program - hold CTRL + select item to select multiple item
9. Click on the registration open checkbox (if open for online application purposes)
10. Press Add button. Minimum Requirement
Besides that, in CMS, the eligible program selection in the form based on program's minimum requirement can also be configured.
To manage the program's minimum requirement, user needs to access Academic module. The feature can be found in Manage Program submodule.
Click on Manage Program to access Manage Program page.
To access program's Minimum Requirement page, follow the steps below:
1. Select desired faculty name
2. Press Search button.
Verify only programs within the selected faculty will appear in the list.
3. Choose Min Requirement in the action dropdown list
4. Click Go button
System will redirect user to the Minimum Requirement Group page.
Here, user is able to create multiple group of minimum requirement for specific program. In case that the student academic background does not matched with the first group of minimum requirement, system will check the second group of minimum requirement and onwards if any.
To create the minimum requirement group, refer the following steps.
1. Click to edit the value and enter the group name
2. Click OK button to save the record
Click on Manage link to configure the mandatory and optional minimum qualification requirements for each group.
To manage the mandatory requirements, actions below should be taken.
1. Click on the Add Mandatory link to access Add Mandatory Qualification page.
2. Choose qualification
3. Click Add button
New qualification will be added in the mandatory qualification requirement list.
4. Click Manage link to to access Minimum SPM Subject Requirement page
5. Click on Add Requirement link to add SPM subject list and grade
6. Choose requirement type
7. Choose subject
8. Click Submit button
Subjects will be added in the SPM Subject List.
9. Choose grade
10. Click Submit button
The information chosen will be saved accordingly.
Here, user is also able to configure the requirement type of subjects. MUST HAVE subject is a subject that is essential to have or obtain by applicants in order to be eligible while AT LEAST subject is a subject that not strictly required but it acts as additional bonus if it is exists.
Meaning to say, in order applicant to be eligible in specific program, the applicant must meet the MUST HAVE subjects requirements.
To configure AT LEAST subjects, user can refer to the following steps.
1. Follow Step 5 as above
2. Choose requirement type
3. Choose the number of subject
4. Follow Step 7 until 10 as above
Newly added At Least subjects will be listed in minimum SPM subjects requirement.
Click Update button to amend the information and Delete link to permanently removed the record.
In this feature, user is also able to manage the optional requirement of the program. To add Optional requirements, below steps should be taken.
1. Click on Add Optional link to access Add Optional Qualification page.
2. Follow Steps 2 until 10 in Section Mandatory Requirement as above.
In addition, user is able to change the mandatory requirement to optional and vice versa by clicking on the link as below.
Eligibility Checking Based on Mandatory & Optional Requirement
The rules of eligibility checking based on the mandatory and optional minimum requirement of specific program are described as below.
Applicant will be considered Eligible if:
- Mandatory Requirement - Pass
- Optional Requirement - Pass
- No Mandatory Requirement
- Optional Requirement - Pass
- Mandatory Requirement - Fail
- Optional Requirement - Pass
- No Mandatory Requirement
- Optional Requirement - Fail
Document checklist is the list of documents required to be submitted by the applicant during the application. Document checklist can be managed by program. Means that, specific program might have different type of documents to be submitted.
This feature can be found in Academic module under Manage Program submodule.
The list of document checklist must be managed first in the System Admin > Manage Ref > Document Checklist.
Click here for more details.
Then only, user can choose which documents to be displayed in the application form. User can also set which documents are compulsory to be provided during application process.
To manage the document checklist, refer following steps.
2. Click Go button to access program's Document Checklist page
3. Click on Add New Document link to add new document
4. Choose document type
5. Click Save button. Newly added document type will be displayed in the Document Checklist as below.
6. Tick on the checkbox to set the document type to mandatory
Click on Delete link to remove the document type from the list.
Online App Downloadable Material or Download Material feature is provided to allow user to manage the downloadable file required by the successful applicant upon registration. The materials can be managed by program.
This feature can be found in Academic module under Manage Program submodule.
To manage the file, steps below can be taken.
1. Choose Online App Downloadable Material in Action dropdown list
2. Click Go button to access Online App Downloadable Material page
3. Click on Upload New File link to access Upload New File page
4. Enter file name
5. Choose file
6. Click Submit button
Newly added file will be listed in the File List as shown below.
Click on Delete link to permanently remove the file.
1.2.New Application
New applicant must register first before applying the application form.
There are two ways to register the account either by using normal registration or login using Facebook.
To register the account using normal registration, refer the following steps.
1. Enter name
2. Enter email
3. Enter IC/Passport number
4. Click on the reCaptcha
5. Click Register button
System will notify the applicant on the account registration via email.
Applicant is also required to validate the email before sign in to the Online Application form. Once the account has been activated, student is now able to login to the application form using Email and IC/Passport Number as stated in Section 1.2.2.Login to Online Application Form.
To register the account using Facebook, refer the following steps.
1. Click on Click Here link to access Login page
2. Click on Login Using Facebook link.
Applicant is successfully login to the application form using Facebook. System will redirect applicant to the Update Additional Info page as below.
3. Enter name
4. Enter phone no
5. Enter IC/Passport no
6. Click Submit button
Applicant will be redirected to the Application Form as shown below.
Name, IC/Passport number, phone mobile will be automatically populated according to the information entered in Update Additional Info while email is automatically populated based on the registered email on Facebook.
1.2.2.Login to Online Application Form
Once email is validated, applicant must login to fill up the form.
To login, steps below should be taken.
1. Click on Click Here link to access Login page
5. Click Submit button
Applicant will be redirected to the Application Form as in Section1.2.Application Form below.
In the Personal Info page, the form is divided into five categories, which are, personal information, permanent address, mailing address, marketing information and others.
Fill up the information of each categories as below.
1. Personal Information
- Select student type
- Enter IC/Passport number (auto populate from registration form)
- Select salutation
- Enter name (auto populate from registration form)
- Enter phone (mobile) (auto populate from update additional info form)
- Enter phone (home)
- Enter email (auto populate from registration form)
- Select date of birth (auto populate from IC number)
- Enter place of birth
- Select nationality
- Choose gender
- Choose religion
- Choose race
- Pick marital status
- Pick disability
2. Permanent Address
- Enter address line 1
- Enter address line 2
- Enter city
- Select state
- Enter postcode
- Select country (auto populate)
3. Mailing Address
- Click Same as above to copy the address from permanent address
OR - Enter address line 1
- Enter address line 2
- Enter city
- Select state
- Enter postcode
- Select country (auto populate)
4. Marketing Information
- Choose marketing staff
- Choose agent name
- Enter others
5. Others
- Choose hostel required
- Choose room type if required
Click Save & Continue button to save the record and proceed to the next tab, which is, Academic Background page.
To add academic background, steps below can be taken.
1. Select qualification
2. Click Add Item button. Verify SPM qualification selection will be displayed as below.
3. Enter institution/school
4. Select completion year
5. Choose subject
6. Choose grade
7. Click Add More Item to add more subject
8. Click Save button
The newly added qualification will be displayed in the Academic Background list as below.
Note: Click on "x" sign to remove the subject added.
Choose Edit in the action dropdown list to update the academic background information and Delete to remove the record from the system.
Click Continue to proceed to the next tab, which is, Program Selection.
In the program option, system will only list down the programs that are eligible based on the applicant's academic background entered provided that the Eligibility Checking setting is turned on.
Means that, applicant can only choose program according to the program minimum requirement set in the Section Minimum Requirement.
To select the program, refer the following steps.
1. Select campus
2. Select program
3. Select intake
4. Select study mode
Follow the same steps as above for Program 2, 3 and onwards (if any).
Click Save & Continue button to save the record and proceed to the next tab, which is, Contact Info page.
In this page, applicant is required to fill up the parent/guardian information as below.
1. Fill up the form as below
- Select relation
- Enter IC/Passport number
- Enter name
- Enter email
- Enter occupation
- Select race
- Enter phone mobile
- Enter phone home
- Enter phone office
- Enter fax number
- Enter annual income
- Enter household size
- Enter address line 1
- Enter address line 2
- Enter city
- Choose state
- Enter postcode
- Choose country
2. Click ADD MORE CONTACT button to add more contact information
Click Save & Continue to save the record and proceed to the next tab, which is, Upload Document.
In this page, applicant is able to upload the supporting files directly from the system.
To upload the supporting files, below steps can be taken.
1. Select document type
2. Select file
3. Click Upload Files button
The newly added document will be displayed in the Document list as below.
Click Delete button to remove the uploaded document.
Click Continue to save the record and proceed to the next tab, which is, Preview.
Note: Applicant must upload all mandatory documents as stated in the Information box as above. System will block applicant to continue to the next tab if compulsory files to be uploaded is not complete.
Before submission, applicant can check and verify the information entered by accessing to the Preview Form page as below.
Here, applicant has an option to share the activity via Facebook by clicking on the Share link as above.
Applicant is allowed to logout from the application form and continue to fill up the form later.
Hover to the student name and click Log Out to sign out from the application form.
Registered applicant who hasn't submitted the form is still able to amend the application form by accessing to the same online application form.
System will redirect applicant to the same application form. Make any changes on the information by following steps in Section 1.2.1.Personal Info, 1.2.2.Academic Background, 1.2.3.Program Selection, 1.2.4.Contact Info and 1.2.5.Upload Document.
Click Submit button to submit the application form.
In order to submit the form, applicant must fill up at least one information of academic background, contact information and upload all compulsory supporting documents, or else, system will block applicant to submit the application form.
Applicant and staff will be notified via email once application is submitted.
Applicant is no longer able to update the application form once submission is performed.
New application can be processed in the Admission & Record module under New Application submodule.
Next, user is able to choose any of the following fields to filter the application:
- Enter keyword
- Choose campus
- Choose applied program
- Choose intake session
- Select processing status
- Select eligibility
- Select student type
- Filter by date range application is submitted
Click on the Search button to generate the specified list of applicant.
Next, click on the student name link to access to the Prospect Information page.
Here, user can check the student's academic background, supporting document and personal information by clicking on the Academic Background, Supporting Document and Personal Information tab as below. Clicking on the Application Form tab will redirect user to the full application form of the student. User can print the student application form here.
To process the application, user can click on the Process button to choose either the student is Eligible or Not Eligible for the particular program applied. Please note that the programs listed in the Eligible Program are the programs that applicant is eligible to be offered.
User need to perform few steps to complete this action.
1. Choose new status
2. Select eligible program
3. Tick the application as Processed or not
4. Click Process button
Applicant is considered as New student once the application is set to Eligible.
Applicant will also be notified via email whether the application is successful or not.
Program offer letter will be automatically sent with the email notification if applicant status is successful.
Once the application is processed, applicant is able to check the application status by login back to the online application form.
To login, please refer here.
The right message will show the application status of applicant whether successful or not.
If applicant is accepted to further the study in the institution, applicant is able to download the documents required during the registration day by clicking on the document links stated above.
Click on Confirm button to accept the offer.
User is able to check the list of applicant who accepted the offer in Admission & Record > Reports > Offer Acceptance.