The arrangement of the subject list in Student Portal is arranged according to the specific criteria. The rules and criteria are as below.

1. If student takes the subject according to the study plan, the arrangement of the subject will be displayed according to the semester set.

2. If student drops the particular subject in certain semester, the arrangement of the subject will still be displayed according to the intake study plan. For instance, student A drops subject XYZ from Semester 1, the subject will remain in the Semester 1 subject list. 

3. If subject is taken twice or more (repeat cases), the subject will appear in the latest semester.

4. The subject list will only display subject with Completed and Refer status. Others status such as Failed, Withdrawn, Barred and many more will not be displayed.

5. The status of the subject will only be displayed if the result is published. To publish the result, please click here.

6. The subject list will exclude the exempted subject. The exempted subject can be seen in the Credit Exempted Subject listing.

7. Student will be blocked to view the subject list if student has outstanding. The setting can be set in the Exam > Settings > Config > Outstanding Block & Outstanding Counted.