Table of Contents
1.5.1.Manage Room Usage Summary
1.8.1.Landlord Management List
Add New Landlord
Click the Hostel link in order to access features under Hostel.
Clicking on the Hostel link will display the features under the Hostel as per shown in figure above.
Student information can be searched in Student Search page.
Click on Student Search link to search information for specific student.
Student information can be searched by entering specific keyword such as name, IC/passport or student ID keyword in the search field or using advanced search function. Perform the following steps to search for specific student:
1. Enter specific keyword in search field or
2. Click advanced search link to narrow down the search process.
3. Select campus, faculty, program, intake, semester number or status dropdown list.
4. Click Search button.
Verify search record will appear as per shown in figure below.
To access specific student/residence profile, click View Profile link as per shown in figure above. Student/Residence profile page will be displayed as per below figure.
- Personal Info - Display personal information about particular students such as contact info, etc.
- Program List – List down all programs taken in particular college. It will sorted by chronology (e.g. foundation/diploma etc.).
- Academic Background - Display qualification or education background for particular students (e.g. SPM, STPM, etc.)
- Academic Status - Display academic status for each semester/academic session
- Status Log – Is showing activities or status history/record for specific student – starting from active, completed, defer, etc. (this is set by admission department)
- Hostel Information - Display hostel information for example it will show hostel that are currently tie for specific student.
- Notes - User can add any notes for any students. It can be viewed throughout all department.Note: Tabs will be varies according to access set in System Admin module.
Room assignment can be done in individual student profile or in Room Assignment feature explained in Section 1.5 Room Assignment.
To change to the new room, perform the following steps.
1. Select location
2. Select block
3. Select unit. Only vacant unit will be listed here. Unit will also display based on the student's gender.
4. Choose room type
5. Choose room number
6. Click whole room to block all beds
7. Choose bed no
8. Pick date in from datepicker
9. Pick date out from datepicker
10. Enter remarks
11. Click Submit button
New room will be allocated to the student.
In this feature, user is able to search the information of resident, room no, bed no, date in and date out of resident based on the selected location, block and unit no.
Click on the Hostel Search to access Hostel Search page.
To search the hostel information, below steps should be taken.
1. Choose location
2. Choose block
3. Choose unit
4. Click Search button
The list of resident and hostel information will appear according to the selected option above.
Clicking on the student name link will redirect user to the Student/Residence Profile.
This feature is provided to allow user to manage or configure few settings in the Hostel module. The purpose of each settings will be described as below.
Click on the Settings link to access Settings page.
To edit the setting, click on the information and change the value accordingly. Click OK to save the record.
1. Helpdesk Email: The email set will be used to notify the helpdesk on the hostel request/complaint made by student via Student Portal.
2. Show Institution: This setting is used to show/hide the institution selection in the Manage Hostel > Manage Unit. User is able to manage the unit by institution if the setting is turned on.
3. Show Program: This setting is used to show/hide the program selection in the Manage Hostel > Manage Unit. User is able to manage the unit by program offered if the setting is turned on.
4. Show Nationality: This setting is used to show/hide the nationality selection in the Manage Hostel > Manage Unit. User is able to manage the unit by student nationality if the setting is turned on.
5. Delete Sublevel Record: This setting is used to enable/disable of deleting sub-level record if master record is deleted. For example, if the user would like to delete block which has several units under the block, system will automatically delete both block and unit if the setting is turned on. However, if the setting is turned off, system will block user to delete the block since the record has been used by others.
Click on Manage Location link in order to access Manage Location page.
To add new hostel location, click Add New Location link. Upon clicking the Add Location link, Add Location form appear in the screen as per shown in figure below.
Enter form field as per following steps.
1. Enter Location Name field
2. Enter Address field
3. Click Add button to add the entered data
4. Click Back link to go back to previous page.
To update Status to Active or Inactive, select the dropdown list and the page will load and update the Status to Active or Inactive.
To update hostel location, follow the following steps.
1. Select the Update option from the dropdown list and press Go button
2. Verify Update Location form appear in the screen
3. Make the change in the data and press Update button
Verify that the updated data will appear in the list of Manage Location List page.
Click on Add New Block link to add new hostel block. Verify user will be directed to Add New Block form. Fill up the form as per steps below.
1. Select Location dropdown menu
2. Enter Block Name
3. Enter Description
4. Click Add button
5. Verify user will be directed to Manage Block page.
6. Select Hostel Location dropdown menu for the new added block just now to view added block.
List of previously added block will appear in the Manage Block List.
To update Status to Active or Inactive, select the Status dropdown list and the page will load and update the Status to Active or Inactive.
To update block information, follow the following steps (refer to update on Manage Location List).
1. Select the Update option from the dropdown list and press Go button
2. Verify Update block form will appear in the screen
3. Make the change in the data and press Update button
Verify that the updated data will appear in the list of Manage Block List page.
Delete the Block information by accessing Delete dropdown menu. Press Go button.
Verify the record will be deleted.
Click the Manage Unit link. To access Manage Unit page. Filter Unit by selecting filter option Location, Block, Program and Status. Verify filtered Unit appear in the screen.
To add new unit. Follow the following steps.
1. Filter Unit
2. Verify Add New Unit link appear.
3. Click on the Add New Unit link.
Verify Add New Unit form appear.
Fill up below field.
1. Enter Floor No
2. Enter Unit No
3. Enter Subsidised Amount (optional)
4. Select Nationality (optional)
5. Choose Program dropdown menu (optional)
6. Choose Gender from dropdown menu
7. Enter Room No
8. Select Room Type
9. Enter Total Bed
10. Click Add Room to add more room
11. Click Save button.
Verify Unit information appear in Unit list.
List of previously added unit will appear in the Unit list.
To update Status to active or Inactive, select the Status dropdown list and and the page will load and update the Status to active or inactive.
To update unit, follow the following steps.
1. Select Update option from the dropdown list and press Go button.
2. Verify Update unit form appear in the screen.
3. Make the change in the data and press Update button
The updated data will appear in the list in Manage Unit List page.
Delete the Unit information by accessing Delete dropdown menu. Press Go button. Verify the record will be deleted.
Click Manage Room link to access Manage Room page. Filter location, block and unit to view the list of room.
To add new room, perform the following steps.
1. Filter Room
2. Verify Add New Room link appear on the right side of screen.
3. Click on the Add New Room link.
Verify Add New Room form appear.
Fill up below field.
1. Enter room no
2. Select type of room
3. Enter total bed
4. Enter description
5. Click Save button.
Verify Room information appear in Room list.
List of previously added room will appear in the Manage Room list.
To update Status to active or Inactive, select the status dropdown list and and the page will load and update the Status to active or inactive
To update room information, follow the following steps.
1. Select Update option from the dropdown list
2. Press Go button.
3. Verify Update Room form appear in the screen.
4. Make changes in the data and press Update button.
5. Updated data will appear in the list in Manage Room List page.
Delete the Room information by accessing Delete dropdown menu. Click Go button. The record will be deleted.
Click Manage Bed link to access Manage Bed page. Filter Location, Block, Unit and Room to list down the bed.
To add new room, perform the following steps.
1. Filter Bed
2. Verify Add New Bed link appear on the right side of the screen
3. Click on the Add New Bed link.
Verify Add New Bed form appear.
Fill up below field.
1. Enter bed no
2. Enter remarks
3. Click Save button
Verify Bed information appear in Manage Bed list.
List of previously added bed will appear in the Manage Bed list.
To update Bed Information click the Update link. Make the changes to information and click Update button.
Delete the Bed list information by clicking Delete link. The record will be deleted.
Click Manage Room Type link to access the Manage Room Type page.
To add new room type, perform the following steps.
1. Click on the Add New Room Type link on right side of the screen.
Verify Add New Room Type form appear.
2. Enter room type code
3. Enter room type name
4. Enter local rate
5. Enter international rate
6. Enter local registration
7. Enter international registration
8. Enter local deposit (rental)
9. Enter international deposit (rental)
10. Enter local deposit (breakage)
11. Enter international deposit (breakage)
12. Click checkbox to Publish
13. Click Save button
Newly added room type will appear in the Room Type list.
User may update the Room Type Information by pressing the Update link. Make the changes to the Room Type information and click Update button.
Delete room type information by clicking on the Delete link. The record will be permanently deleted.
1.4.7. Manage Maintenance Category
This feature is used to manage the maintenance category existed in the institution.
Click on the Maintenance Category link to access Maintenance Category page.
To add new maintenance category, perform the following steps.
1. Click Add New Category link to access Add New Category page
2. Enter category name
3. Enter description
4. Select status
5. Click Add button
Newly added maintenance category will be displayed in the Maintenance Category list.
User may update the maintenance category information by pressing the Update link. Make the changes to the maintenance category information and click Update button.
This feature is used to view the list of room available for specific location and block. In this feature, user can see the room that has been occupied or still available for booking and check in process.
In addition, user can also assign the room to the student in this feature as well as performing check in and check out process.
Click on Room Assignment link in order to access Room Usage Summary page. Filter by location, block and other options to view the list of room.
The green block indicates that the unit is still available to be assigned to the student while red block means that the unit is already occupied and no more student can be slotted to the unit.
In each block (as above), all information has its own meaning.
1. M: Refer to the gender tied to the unit. M is referring to the Male while F is referring to the Female.
2. 0/9: Refer to the no of occupied room per no of room exists in the respected unit.
3. A1-1A: Refer to the unit no.
4. TW, S: Refer to the room type tied in the respected unit. TW is a twin sharing room while S is Single Sharing room.
1.5.1. Manage Room Usage Summary
Click on the block to access the Hostel Unit Summary List as below.
To book the room, steps below should be taken.
1. Click on Available Status. Verify Room Bookings page will appear.
2. Click checkbox whole room to block whole room
3. Search student name. System will notify user if selected student has already booked/checked in another room/bed.
4. Select booking date
5. Select expected date in
6. Select expected date out
7. Enter remarks
8. Click Submit button
The current status of the bed is booked.
To update the room bookings information, click on the Booked link. Make the changes and click Update button to save the record.
Click Check In link to access Check-in Details page.
To check in student, perform the followings steps.
1. Enter check in date
2. Verify expected check out date
3. Enter remarks
4. Click Check In button
The status of the bed now has changed from Booked to Checked In.
To delete the booked record, refer following steps.
1. Click delete record
2. Verify confirmation message to delete the record will appear in the screen. Click OK to cancel the booking.
Click Check Out link to access Check-Out Details page.
To perform check out process, refer following steps.
1. Select check out date
2. Enter remarks
3. Click Check Out button
The bed is now release to be slotted to other students.
1. Click on View Room Vacancies
2. Verify room type availability list will appear in the screen.
Vehicle Registration is a function used to track and manage the student's vehicle. The user is able to add new vehicle and register the student who owns the vehicle.
Click on the Vehicle Registration link to access the Vehicle Registration page.
To add new vehicle, perform the following steps:
1. Select vehicle type
2. Choose student name
3. Enter vehicle no
4. Enter register date
5. Enter plate no
6. Enter sticker serial no
7. Enter model
8. Enter color
9. Enter remarks
10. Click Add button
Verify new vehicle will be added into the list.
This feature is provided to manage the maintenance case list complained by the student or staff.
Click on Maintenance Case List link in order to access Maintenance Case List page.
The list of complaint or request in this feature is either add by the staff using Staff Portal or created by the student itself in the Student Portal using Customer Service feature.
If the complaint/request is received from the Student Portal, the helpdesk will received the email notification on the new request/complaint.
To view the list of request/complaint, refer the following steps.
1. Enter case ID or
2. Select the criteria provided as above (eg. date from, location, status and etc.)
3. Click Search button
The case list will appear as below.
Click on Add New Case link on the right side of the screen to access Add New Case page.
To add new case, refer the following steps.
1. Select report by
2. Search student/staff name
3. Select category
4. Select attention to
5. Choose location of hostel
6. Choose block
7. Choose unit no student/staff stays
8. Enter subject
9. Enter description
10. Click Add button
Newly added case can be viewed in the Case List as below.
Case feedback can be updated by the user either it has been completed or not. To add response/feedback, steps below should be taken.
1. Click on the Subject link to access Add Response page.
2. Enter response
3. Choose status
4. Choose assign to (if case has not been fixed)
5. Click Update button
The newly added response will be displayed as below.
Click on Manage Landlord link in order to access Manage Landlord page.
Searching can be done either by name, unit no or agreement reference. User can enter the keyword in the Search box above.
1.8.1.Landlord Management List
Click on Add New Landlord link to access the Add Landlord page.
To add new landlord, refer the following steps.
1. Enter name
2. Enter phone
3. Enter address
4. Select bank name
5. Enter account number
6. Click Add button
Verify new landlord information will be displayed in the list.
To update the status of landlord, select the Status dropdown list.
Select Update dropdown menu and click Go button to amend the landlord information. Make the changes to the Landlord information and click Update button to save the record.
Select Delete dropdown menu and click Go button to delete the landlord records permanently from the system.
This feature is used to tie the unit to the respected landlord. Choose Manage Unit in the dropdown list to access Manage Unit page.
1. Click Tie New Unit link to access Tie Unit page.
Click on the Untie Unit to remove the unit from the respected landlord.