Table of Contents

1. Introduction

Clicking on Marketing link will display the sub link under the Marketing module such as manage agent category, manage agent, student enquiry record, search student, import data, follow-up assignment, manage files and reports.

2. Setup

2.1. Settings

Click on the Settings link to access Settings page.


2.1.1. Marketing Template

Marketing template is provided to allow user to manage the email reply template upon submitting online enquiry form. Email will be sent to both staff and prospect upon submission of online enquiry form. Clicking on the Marketing Template link will redirect user to the Marketing Template page.


To add new template, refer the following steps.


1. Click on the Add New Template link to access Add New Template page


2. Enter template name

3. Add placeholder and enter template body

4. Set template status

5. Click Save button

New marketing template will be added into the list as below.


Click on Update link to amend the existing record and Delete link to remove the record permanently.

2.1.2. Letter Template

After prospect apply or send application to college through marketing department to study certain course, college will then evaluate and decide whether the prospect are qualified or not qualified for the course. After college has decided to offer the program to the prospect, conditional offer letter will be generated and it will be sent to prospect. 

In order to generate offer letter which will be sent to the prospect, letter template must be created first. User is able to create their own template letter in Letter Template feature by clicking on the Generate Letter Template link.


Letter template can be added as below.


1. Click on the Add New Letter Template link to access Add New Letter Template page.


2. Enter template name

3. Add placeholder and enter template body

4. Click Save button

New template letter will be added into the list.


Click on Update link to amend the existing record and Delete link to remove the record permanently.

2.2. Manage Agent Category

Click on Manage Agent Category link to access Manage Agent Category page.

2.2.1. Add New Agent Category

Click on the Add New Agent Category link to access Add New Agent Category page in order to add new agent category.


Verify that Add New Agent Category page will be appearing as above

To add new agent category, the user needs to:

1. Enter category name

2. Enter commission rate (either by percentage or raw figure)

3. Select status (active or inactive)

4. Click Add button

New agent category will be added in the list. Verify new agent category will appear in the list as shown in figure above.

2.2.2. Update Agent Category

Click update link to access the agent category page to update the category name, commission rate and status.


Agent Category can be set inactive if its no longer needed. To update the agent category:

1) Click on the status to change from active to inactive

2) Click update link to update the agent category field.

Verify update agent category will be displayed as per shown in figure above.

2.3. Manage Agent

Click on Manage Agent link to access Manage Agent page.

2.3.1. Add New Agent


Click on the Add New Agent link to add new agent name. Please take note that category name must be first created in manage agent category. To add new agent category, the user needs to:

1. Select agent category 

2. Enter agent registration number

3. Enter agent name

4. Enter home number

5. Enter mobile number

6. Enter fax number

7. Seelct country

8. Enter area

9. Enter email address

10. Enter address

11. Enter location based

12. Select status

13. Click Add button

Verify new agent name will be added in the list.


Click filter button to view the list of agent name. Select category, enter agent name or registration number to narrow down the search.


2.3.3. Update Agent


Click Update link to update the existing record of agent. Verify update agent will be displayed in the list.

Click Delete link to remove the record permanently from the system.

2.4. Prospect Enquiry Record


Click on Prospect Enquiry Record link to access Prospect Enquiry Record page.

2.4.1. Personal Information

To register new prospect, the steps below should be taken:


Personal Information

1. Select marketing source. Enter marketing source if type marketing source is others

2. Select type of student

3. Enter IC/Passport- Will pop out select box if the student chosen is international student type

4. Select salutation

5. Enter name

6. Enter date of birth which will be auto generated from the IC number

7. Select nationality

8. Choose gender

9. Choose race

10. Choose religion

11. Enter phone number (mobile)

12. Enter phone number (home)

13. Enter phone number (parent)

14. Enter email

15. Select disability


Permanent Address

1. Enter address line 1

2. Enter address line 2

3. Enter postcode

4. Enter city

5. Select state

6. Select country



1. Select program choice 1

2. Select program choice 2

3. Select program choice 3

4. Select intake

5. Select study mode

6. Select last institution. Click Other to add if the record is not exist in the listing.

7. Select highest educational level

8. Enter year taken

9. Select potential scholarship


Contact Information

1. Enter contact name

2. Enter IC/Passport

3. Select race

4. Click Same as above checkbox if contact information address is similar with student permanent address. System will auto populate the data accordingly.

5. Enter address line 1

6. Enter address line 2

7. Enter postcode

8. Enter city

9. Select state

10. Select country

11. Select relationship

12. Enter occupation

13. Enter phone number(mobile)

14. Enter phone number(home)

15. Enter phone number(office)

16. Enter fax number

17. Enter email

18. Click Add More Item to add more contact information



1. Select hostel required

2. Select type of room


Recruited By and Others Info

1. Select marketing staff

2. Select agent name

3. Enter others

5. Enter remarks

Click Save button to add new prospect. Verify new prospect enquiry record will be added in the list.


2.5. Search


Click on Search link to access Search page in order to view list of prospects.


Enter search keyword such as name or IC/Passport to view list of prospects. To narrow down the search, select any field and press the Search button.

2.5.1. Prospect Profile


Verify specific search result will appear in the list. Click View Profile link to view or access the prospect profile page. Prospect profile page will be displayed as figure below.


Section 1 – This section shows the basic information of the particular prospect such as name, IC/Passport, email, phone, intake and prospect status. 

Section 2 – This section displays the summary of prospect information such as payment status, program/course, marketing source, potential scholarship, recruited by and contact number.

Section 3 – This part is called an action that shows action in specific department. In marketing department, it will show email student, generate letter and update record links.

Section 4 – These are called tabs which is divided into follow up history and personal information.

• Personal Info Tab - Display the personal information of particular prospect.

• Follow Up History Tab - Display status history or record of prospect from the active until complete. User can add new log status by entering log data, select status and medium.

2.6. Email Student

This feature is provided to allow marketing staff to send email to the prospect directly from the system. 

To access Email Student feature, user must first access to Prospect Profile page.

Click on the Email Student link to view the the page of Email to Student page. 


To email student, refer the following steps.

1. Enter from email address (auto populate from the user login's email)

2. Enter to email address (auto populate from prospect's email)

3. Enter subject

4. Enter message

5. Attach files (optional)

6. Click Submit button

Email will be sent to the prospect and logged in the Follow Up History list.


Please note that user needs to upload file first in the Manage Files link in order to send the attach files.

2.7. Generate Letter

This feature is provided to generate the letter to be given to the prospect. To access this feature, user must first access to Prospect Profile page.

Click on the Generate Letter link to access Generate Letter page.


To generate letter, perform the following steps.


1. Select template

2. Enter reference number

3. Click Generate button

Letter will be generated as below.


2.8. Update Record

Click on the Update Record link to update personal information, contact information, address, academic and others. Basically the page will appear the same as in Prospect Enquiry Record. 

Please note that Update Record of prospect can only be done by Super User, creator and recruiter.

2.9. Import Data

Click on Import Data link to access Import Data page. Data from import data will be added into the list of prospects. Import data feature is provided in order to help user insert the prospect information into the system by batch/group.

2.9.1. Upload Data

To upload the data, steps below should be taken.


1. Click on Download sample CSV link


2. Fill up the template


3. Choose file to upload
4. Choose education level
5. Select last institution
6. Select column to import
7. Select marketing staff
8. Enter remarks
9. Click Upload button

All data will be uploaded into the system accordingly.

2.10. Follow Up Assignment

Click on Follow-up Assignment link to access Follow-up Assignment page.

This feature is provided to allocate prospect to the marketing staff by bulk. The prospect is assigned randomly and equally to the prospect based on the number of staff and prospect. Meaning to say, if system found 10 unassigned prospects and 5 marketing staffs, system will automatically assign 2 prospects to each of the prospect.

2.10.1. Assign Staff

To assign the number of prospect to the marketing staff, refer following steps.


1. Choose marketing staff

2. Click Assign button

The list of prospect to be followed up by the marketing staff can be viewed in Search feature.


2.11. Manage Files

Click on Manage Files link to access Manage Files page. Files from the manage files will be used in Email Student feature in the Prospect Profile as the attach files.

2.11.1. Upload File

To upload the files, perform the steps below.


1. Enter file name

2. Enter file description

3. Choose file

4. Click Upload button

New file will be added into the list.


Click Delete link to remove the individual record added or select all and click on Delete Selected button to remove the record by group.