Table of Contents
Clicking on Alumni link will displayed the sub-link under Alumni Module such as import and member search.
Click on Import link to access the import page. Here, user is able to import student from the active status into alumni/archive.
To import the specific student, perform the following steps:
1. Select faculty
2. Verify program for the particular faculty will be appear in the dropdown list. Choose the program
3. Choose intake
4. Select status
5. Click Filter button
Verify all the students within that particular faculty, program, intake and status will appear in the list as shown in figure.
6. Tick/check on the checkbox
7. Press Import button
Verify import student will be added in the list.
Click on Search Alumni Member link to search information for specific alumni.
Student information can be searched using name, IC/passport or student ID keyword in the search field.
1. Enter keyword in search field or
2. Click advanced search link to narrow down the search process
3. Select campus
4. Choose faculty
5. Select program
6. Select intake
7. Click Search button
Verify search record will appear like example shown in figure below.
To access specific alumni member profile, click Go button like shown in figure above. Alumni member profile page will be displayed as per below figure.
Section 1 – This section which appears in box displays basic information for the particular student such as name, IC/passport number, student ID, program taken, faculty, intake, current semester and student status.
Section 2 – This section are displaying registration date (activation date), sponsor name (JPA, MARA, PTPTN, etc), status of the documents whether it has been fully submitted or some are still pending, expected end date and recruited by (marketing agent info).
Section 3 – These are call tabs (see figure above). This section displays career info of the alumni member.
Career Info - Display career information of the student
To access Add Employment page, click on go button like shown above. Add employment page will be displayed as below.
To add new employment, perform the following steps:
1. Select industrial category
2. Enter company name
3. Enter address (address line 1, address line 2, postcode and city)
4. Select state
5. Enter office phone number
6. Choose date employment and date resign
7. Select position
8. Enter salary
9. Enter job description
10. Press Add button
Verify new employment information will be added in the list and it will be displayed on the career information on alumni member profile.