Table of Contents Add New Letter Template Update Letter Template Update/Delete Template
1.4.1. Add New Registration Day
1.4.2. Change Status/Update Registration Day
1.16. Credit Transfer & Exemption
1. Admissions & Records Module
Click on Admission and Record link in order to access features under Admission and Record. Clicking on the Admission and Record link will display the sub link under the Admission and Record.
In order to generate offer letter which will be sent to the student, letter template must be created first. User is able to create their own template letter in Generate Letter Template by clicking on the Generate Letter Template link. Add New Letter Template
Click on Add New Letter Template to access Add New Letter Template page. Letter template be created as below:
1. Enter template name
2. Add placeholders (such as student name, IC number, intake and etc.)
3. Click Save button
Verify new letter template will be added in the list. Update Letter Template
User can update letter template created previously. To update letter template, perform the following steps:
1. Click Update link to make amendments in letter template info.
Verify update letter template page will be displayed in the list.
Admission template is provided to allow user to manage the email reply template upon registering and submitting online application form. There are three type of templates were provided which are auto-reply student, auto-reply staff and auto-reply applicant. Auto-reply student is basically email sent upon student submitted the application form while auto-reply staff is an email sent to the staff to notify them new application has been submitted. Auto-reply applicant is an email sent automatically when student register to the online application. Clicking on the Admission Template link will redirect user to the Admission Template page.
To add new template, please perform actions below.
Click on Add New Template link to access Add New Template page.
- Enter template name
- Choose template type
- Enter template subject
- Add placeholders (such as student name, student email, student program and etc.)
- Click Save button Update/Delete Template
Click on the Update link to amend the existing template and Delete link to remove the template.
Student ID or matric number format now can be configured in Admission module.
To access this feature, user can click on the Matric Number link.
To setup the matric number format, please refer to the following steps:
Choose Sequence No Reset byThere are three options to be chose here. User is able to reset the sequence number by intake, year or never reset.Given example that user choose to reset the sequence number by intake, system will automatically reset the running number every new intake.
Choose Running No Length (digit)Given example that user select running number length to 4, the running number will be displayed as below.XXXXXXX0001
- Drag the placeholders into Matric Number Format
Campus Prefix
Campus prefix can be configured in System Admin > Manage Campus > Add/Update Campus > Matric No Prefix. Click here to configure the campus prefix.
Faculty Prefix
Faculty prefix can be managed in Academic > Manage Faculty > Add/Update Faculty > Matric No Prefix. Kindly access to Manage Faculty to configure the faculty prefix.
Given example that Matric Number Format is set as below.
DMT | : | Course Prefix |
0916 | : | Intake Prefix |
1 | : | Campus Prefix |
0004 | : | Running No |
Since system provides user with the upload photo feature which user is able to upload student photo into the system, Student Photo feature
is basically provided to allow user set the width and height of photo in pixel format. To set the photo width and height, click on Student Photo
link to access the Student Photo setting.
To update the width and height, please perform steps below.
- Amend the width/height by clicking on the box and enter the figure
- Click OK button to save the record
- Click Cancel button to cancel the changes
This feature is used to set the type of student that can access to Student Portal by student status. User is able to allow multiple status of student to access
Student Portal feature. Click on the Student Portal link to access Student Portal page.
Student access to Student Portal can be managed as below.
- Choose login status
- Click Save button to save the record
If active status is set, those student with active status only can access to Student Portal and vice versa.
This feature is used to configure the online application form rules and behavior.
Click on the Online Application link to access Online Application page setting page.
In this feature, there are several settings can be managed such as Online Application Registration, No of Program Choice (s), Eligibility Checking and many more.
Each settings purposes will be described as below.
2. Registration Close Message: The setting will only be displayed if the Online App Registration setting is turned off. The information can be edited by clicking
on the value. Click OK to save the record and Cancel to cancel the adjustment.
3. No. of Program Choice(s): To enable the number of program selection allowed in the application form.
4. Check Eligibility: To enable or disable program listed in application form based on the program minimum requirement. Meaning to say, the program that
applicant can choose is based on the applicant's academic background entered.
5. Email verification: To enable or disable email address verification upon applicant register to online application.
User can process Student's New Application by accessing to Admission and Record Module > New Application.
Next, user is able to choose any of the following fields to filter the application:
- Enter keyword
- Choose campus
- Choose applied program
- Choose intake session
- Select processing status
- Select eligibility
- Select student type
- Filter by date range application is submitted
Then, user can check the student's academic background, supporting document and personal information by clicking on the Academic Background, Supporting Document and Personal Information tab as below. Clicking on the Application Form tab will redirect user to the full application form of the student. User can print the student application form here.
To process the application, user can click on the Process button to choose either the student is Eligible or Not Eligible for the particular program applied.
This process is known as Manual Process Eligibility. User need to perform few steps to complete this action:
- Choose new status
- Select eligible program
- Tick the application as Processed or not
- Click Process button
1.3. Manage Intake
Click on Manage Intake link to access Manage Intake page.
Click on Add New Intake link in order to add new intake. Verify Add New Intake form will be open as per figure below. Please take note that semester must be first created in academic module.
To add new intake, perform following steps:
1. Create intake – select year and month.
2. Enter intake prefix. - this will be used to generate student id (e.g BSC12010001)
3. Select semester (pre-created in academic module).
4. Press Add button.
Verify new intake will be added in the list as per shown in figure below.
User can update existing intake. Intake can be set to inactive if its no longer needed. Only active intake will appear throughout the system.
1. Click on Status drop down to change intake to active or inactive.
2. Click Update link to make amendments in intake info.
Verify update intake page will be displayed as per shown below.
In addition, last running number of student ID for particular intake can be reset by clicking on the Reset button in Last Running No field here. However, please note that student ID running number of specific intake may duplicate if the last running number is reset.
Click on Manage Registration Day link to access Manage Registration Day page.
1.4.1. Add New Registration Day
To add new registration day, perform following steps:
1. Select campus
2. Select intake
3. Enter registration name (e.g 2016/09 – All program)
4. Enter local deposit
5. Enter international deposit
6. Select registration date from calendar – Any date can be set here. However, during student activation it will check system date. Students will not be able to activate students (refer section 1.7) if the registration date set earlier than system date.
7. Select registration time from time picker
8. Select program - hold CTRL + select item to select multiple item
9. Click on the registration open checkbox (if open for online application purposes)
10. Press Add button.
Verify new registration day will be added in the list.
1.4.2. Change Status/Update Registration Day
User can update existing registration day. Registration day can be set to inactive if its no longer needed. Only active registration day will appear throughout the system.
1. Click on Status drop down to change faculty to active or inactive.
2. Click Update link to make amendments in registration day info.
Verify update faculty page will be displayed as per shown below.
Click on Student registration link to access Student Registon page.
To register new student, perform following steps:
Personal Information
- Select type of student
- Enter IC/passport - Will pop up alert message informing if the student with specific IC number exist. If the student exist, data will be auto populated in the form
- Select salutation
- Enter name
- Enter full name
- Enter phone (mobile)
- Enter phone (home)
- Enter email
- Enter date of birth (this will be auto generated based on IC number)
- Enter place of birth
- Select your nationality
- Choose gender (this will be auto generated based on IC number)
- Select religion
- Select race
- Select marital status
- Choose disability
Student Program
- Select intake
- Select intake registration day (will only display based on the selected intake)
- Select program (will only display program offerred during the intake registration day).
- Select campus
- Select study mode
- Choose last institution. Click Other and enter the information in the text box if record is not exist in the drop down list.
Permanent Address
- Enter address line 1
- Enter address line 2
- Enter postcode
- Enter city
- Select state
- Select country
Mailing Address
- Check same as above (will copy data from permanent address)
- Enter address line 1
- Enter address line 2
- Enter postcode
- Enter city
- Select State
- Select country
- Select eligibility
- Select sponsor
- Choose hostel required
- Choose type of room
Recruited by
5. Select marketing staff
6. Select agent name
7. Enter others
8. Enter remarks
9. Click Save & Proceed button
Verify the second tab (academic background page) will be opened.
To add qualification, follow below steps:
1. Select qualification
2. Click Add Item
Verify below screen will be opened.
3. Click Save & Proceed to proceed to next tab which is contact info
To add details to the academic background, perform following steps:
1. Enter institution name
2. Enter year of studies
3. Enter remarks
4. Select grade
5. Click Add more item to add more subject
6. Click Save
Contact Information form will be displayed as below. Father and mother information are mandatory to be filled up. Fill up the below form. Red star indicates mandatory field.
User can click on Add more contact button to add additional contact information.
Click Save & Proceed button system will then redirect to next tab which is Photo Upload tab.
Verify the uploaded picture will appear in student profile page
User can also remove the student photo by clicking on the Delete button as above.
To update documents checklist, follow below steps :
1. Check on each documents.
2. Click Save button
Verify the list of submitted documents will appear in document tab in student profile.
Click on Student Search link in order to view list of registered students.
Enter search keyword in order to search for student listing. Search keyword can be either in IC/passport, name or student ID format. Click on Advanced search link to narrow down the search scope. Campus, faculty, program, intake, semester number and status dropdown option will appear. Select any field and press Search button.
Verify specific search result will appear in the list. Click go button to view student details. To access specific student profile, click View Profile link as shown above. Student Profile page will be displayed as per below figure.
Section 1 – This section which appears in box displays basic information for the particular student such as name, IC/passport number, student ID, contact number, email address, program taken, faculty, intake, current semester and student status.
New student ID will be generated once the student activated. Specific definition for student ID format are as follows:
Student ID : DMT08131012
DMT - Program/course
0813 - Intake (August 2013)
1 - Campus number (campus branch)
012 - Sequence no. /running no
The Student ID format can be managed in Matric Number setting.
Section 2 – This section are displaying registration date (activation date), sponsor name (JPA, MARA, PTPTN, etc), status of the documents whether it has been fully submitted or some are still pending, expected end date and recruited by (marketing agent info).
Section 3 – This part is call action. It will show actions under specific department. For example for Finance department it will show make payment and other related links under finance. In academic, manage subject and update attendance will be shown in action.
Section 4 – These are call tabs (see figure above). This section are divided into personal info, academic background, status log, hostel information and notes. The details are as per below:
● Personal Info - Display personal information about particular students such as contact info, etc.
● Academic Background - Display qualification or education background for particular students (e.g. SPM, STPM, etc.)
● Academic Status - Display academic status for each semester/academic session
● Status Log – Is showing activities or status history/record for specific student – starting from active, completed, defer, etc. (this is set by admission department)
● Hostel Info - Display hostel information for example it will show hostel that are currently tie for specific student.
● Notes - User can add any notes for any students. It can be viewed throughout all department.
● Document Checklist– Will list down document that has been submitted.
● Program List – List down all programs taken in particular college. It will sorted by chronology (e.g. foundation/diploma etc.).
To activate student user must first access user profile, refer section 1.6 – student search or section 1.6.1 – student profile. Click activate student link to perform activate student function (refer figure above). Verify activate student page will appear in the screen as per shown in figure below.
To activate student, perform the following steps:
- Choose academic session
- Verify campus
- Verify intake
- Verify intake registration day
- Verify program
- Choose payment type
- Select fee group
- Select semester (Please choose the correct semester number if the selected student is a credit transferred student)
- Previously saved documents will be shown as checked in here. Choose document if necessary.
- Click Activate Student button.
- Student ID will be generated based on the matric number format
- Student status will be changed to active
- Semester number will increase from 0 to 1
Access Status Log tab. Verify status log will be logged as activated.
Access Student Ledger tab. Student finance transaction will be auto generated in student ledger.
Click on update record link in order to update personal information, contact information, academic background, upload photo and document checklist. Basically the page will appear same as in student registration section.
Click on Update Status to open Change Status form page.
There are few list of student status such as graduated, active, completed, deferred, terminated and withdrawn. Student status can be changed to any of the above depending on the situation. For example in the above figure if the student is having health problem and he/she needs to postpone his/her study . In this case, status for this student can be changed to deferred. User must enter effective date, date start to defer, date return and press Submit button. Verify new status will appear in student profile as per below figure.
1.10. Change Course/Program
Click on Change Course link to access Change Program form page.
To change to new course/program, perform following steps:
- Select new program to transfer to
- Enter reason
- Choose either to Bring Forward Subject or not
- Click Submit button
Verify new course will be reflected inside student profile as per shown in below figure.
After new course has been changed, necessary manual changes on finance transaction for new program and subjects tie to the particular students must be done from academic side if user choose to not bring forward the subject. Only during semester registration the auto billing and subjects will be tied to the particular student.
Given example that student is already in Semester 3 and student decided to change the program and not bring forward the subjects taken on Semester 1 and 2. Only subjects registered on Semester 1 and 2 will not be brought forward to the new program. While, semester 3 subjects will still be brought forward to the new program since student change program on the current academic session and semester number.
However, if user choose to Bring Forward the previous subjects registered on previous program to new program, system will automatically update the previous subjects taken to the new program. User will only need to adjust the finance transaction of the student.
To do semester registration, perform the following steps:
1. Select academic session
2. Choose hostel if required
3. Choose room type if hostel is required
4. Tick/Untick copy study plan
5. Click Register button
Student semester will be increased and academic session will be changed to the current academic session as displayed in Student Profile below.
Click on the Change Academic Status link to access Change Student Academic Status page.
Change Student Academic Status is usually used to make amendment on the student's academic status in case of student received lower grade in the results which leads to the dismissal, probation or repeat status. Those who successfully appeal to proceed to the next semester with lower grade, user must manually change the student's academic status in order semester registration can be done. Perform the following steps to change student academic status:
- Select academic session
- Choose new academic status
- Enter remarks
- Click Update button
Verify new academic status will be reflected in student record.
Click on the Change Semester link to access Change Semester page.
Click on the Update Student ID to access Update Student ID page.
Update Student ID is a function used to change the current student ID to the new student ID. Some universities/colleges might have different format of student ID. In order to cater the needs, user might use Update Student ID to make amendment on current student ID which is generated based on the intake number, campus number and running number. Perform the following steps to update student matrix number:
1. Make amendment on current student ID
2. Click on Update button
Verify new student ID will be reflected inside student profile as per shown in below figure.
To generate offer letter, perform the following steps.
1. Select template
2. Enter registration date from calendar.
3. Enter registration time from time picker.
4. Select registration location or enter the location in the text field. If value is entered in the
location text field, it will ignore the dropdown value.
5. Select deposit due date from calendar.
6. Click generate button
Verify offer letter will be generated as per shown in figure below.
1.16. Credit Transfer & Exemption
Click on Credit Transfer and Exemption link to access Credit Transfer and Exemption page.
Click on Add New Record link to add list of subject exempted and list of subject to be transferred.
1. Select subject exemption and subject to be transferred.
4. Fill in remarks if required
5. Select subject type (Credit Transfer / Credit Exempted).
6. Add more subject to add new subject exemption or subject to be transferred..
7. Once done, click on Save button.
To upload file, user must first access to Student Profile. Click on Photo Upload link to access upload photo page.
- Click Choose File button to select the photo
- Drag to resize the photo
- Click on Upload button to upload the photo
In this feature, user can directly access to the Student Portal without accessing to the Student Portal link by using student's username and password. As usual, user must first access to the Student Profile. Then, click on the Student Portal link to access the Student Portal page directly from Staff Portal.
User must first access to the Student Profile before accessing to the Upload Document feature.
Click on the Upload Document link to access Upload Document page.
Type of document in the dropdown list can be managed in the System Admin > Manage Ref > Document Checklist. Click here for more details.
To upload document, please refer to the following steps.
- Choose type of document
- Choose file
- Click Upload button
- Filter the options given above
- Choose academic session
- Choose new status
- Enter reason
- Select effective date
- Select academic session end
- Enter convocation year
- Choose student by clicking on the checkbox
- Click Submit button