Table of Contents

1.0 Introduction

2.0 Setup Data

      2.1.Manage Faculty

            2.1.1.Add New Faculty

            2.1.2.Change Status / Update Faculty 

      2.2.Manage Program / Course

            2.2.1.Add New Program

      2.3.Manage Subjects

           2.3.1.Add New Subject

           2.3.2.Update and Delete Subjects

           2.3.3.Add Requisite Subject

      2.4.Manage Program – Master Study Plan

           2.4.1.Create Master Study Plan

      2.5.Manage Academic Session

           2.5.1.Add New Academic Session

           2.5.2.Update and Delete Academic

           2.5.3.Manage Academic Session – Subject Pre-Registration 

           2.5.4.Manage Academic Session – Semester Registration (Bulk) 

     2.6.Academic Setting




           2.6.4.Attendance Type 

           2.6.5.Attendance Warning 

           2.6.6.Assessment Type

           2.6.7.Academic Status 

           2.6.8.Academic Status Rules 

           2.6.9.Result View

3.0 Step By Step Process

     3.1.Student Search 

           3.1.1.Student Profile

           3.1.2.Manage Subject

               Add Subject

               Drop Subject

           3.1.3.View Attendance

     3.2.Manage Assessment

           3.2.1.Create Group Assessment - Template 

           3.2.2.Manage Individual Assessment / By Subject

     3.3.Manage/Create Intake Batch  

           3.3.1.Manage Intake Batch Study Plan (Manage Subject)  

           3.3.2.Create Intake Group 

     3.4.Manage Subject to Offer

          3.4.1.Add / Manage Offer Subjects for Semester

          3.4.2.Create Sections / Classes

             Assign Students to Sections / Class  

             Assign Students from Specific Group to Sections

             Assign Students by Copy To

            Assign Students by Copy From 

4.0 Lecturer Section 

     4.1.Manage Mark Entry  

          4.1.1.Marks Entry  

          4.1.2.Marks Submit

          4.1.3.Marks View

     4.2.Manage Attendance 

          4.2.1.Attendance Entry

          4.2.2.Attendance Update

          4.2.3.Attendance View

     4.3.Manual Result Entry

1.0 Introduction

Academic module provides function to track and manage information related to academics. This module enable users to manage features such as faculty, program, subjects, semester, study plan, subject assessment and assign students to sections. This module also allow students marks and attendance to be entered.

Click on Academic link in order to access features under Academic. Clicking on the Academic link will expand the view and display features under the Academic module.

2.0 Setup Data

Before performing step by step process or normal functions under academic module, user must first perform setup data. This is to ensure smooth process in running the academic module.

2.1. Manage Faculty

Click on Manage Faculty link in order to access faculty page.

2.1.1.Add New Faculty

Click on Add New Faculty link in order to enter add faculty page. Verify Add New Faculty page as per below.


To add new faculty, perform following steps:

1. Enter faculty code

2. Enter faculty name

3. Enter matrix no prefix. This information will be used if student ID number format consist of faculty pre-fix.

4. Press S button

Verify new faculty will be added in the list.

2.1.2.Change Status / Update Faculty


Faculty info can be edited by clicking edit link. It can be set to inactive if its no longer needed. Only active faculty will appear throughout the system.

1. Click on Status drop down to change faculty to active or inactive

2. Click Update link to make amendments in faculty info

Verify update faculty page will be displayed as per shown below.


2.2. Manage Program / Course

Click on Manage Program link in order to access Manage Program page.


To filter programs. Follow the steps below:

1. Select desired faculty name

2. Press Search button

Verify only programs within the selected faculty will appear in the list.

2.2.1. Add New Program

Click on Add New Program link in order to enter Add New Program page.


To add new program, perform following steps:

1. Enter program code

2. Enter program name.

3. Enter matrix no prefix

4. Select program type option

5. Select faculty option

6. Tick if program has its own dean list award setting

7. Enter dean list label

8. Enter dean's list (GPA)

9. Enter dean's list (Min Credit Hour)

10. Enter number of semester (for report generation purposes)

11. Enter duration

12. Select SKM program (if applicable)

13. Press Save button

Verify new program will be added in the record.


User can edit existing programs. Program can be set to inactive if its no longer needed. Only active program will appear throughout the system.

1. Click on Status drop down to change program to active or inactive

2. Choose Update in action drop down list and click on Go button to update program info

Verify update program page will be displayed as per shown in figure below.


1. Make amendments to fields in update program form

2. Press Save button to save the changes

2.3. Manage Subjects

This function allow users to create or make amendments on subjects. Click on Manage Subject link to access Manage Subject page.


To search for subjects under specific faculty, refer following steps.
1. Select desired faculty 
2. Select status
3. Press filter button
Verify only subjects within the selected faculty will appear in the list.

Click on Add New Subject link in to enter add Add New Subject page.


To add new subject, perform following steps:
1. Select faculty 
2. Enter subject name
3. Enter subject code
4. Enter credit hour
5. Enter total contact hours
6. Enter total contact hours per week
7. Enter tuition fee
8. Enter exam fee
9. Select Yes or No for calculate in CGPA. System will not include the subject in CGPA calculation if Calculate in CGPA is set to No.
10. Select Yes or No for Show Grade. System will hide the grade and show Pass/Fail in grade column if Show Grade is set to No.
11. Select grading group
12. Select subject type (core,compulsory or elective)
13. Select status
14. Select subject group (if applicable)
14. Press Submit button
Verify new subject will be added in the record.


User can edit or delete existing subjects.
1. Choose Update in the Action dropdown list and click Go button to make amendments in subjects info
Verify update subject page will be displayed as per shown below.


Make amendments to fields in update program form. Press update button to save the changes.

2. Choose Delete in the Action dropdown list and click Go button to remove the record permanently.

Verify confirmation message will be prompted. Press OK to delete the record.

Please note that system won't allow subject to be deleted if it has been used by other record.


2.3.3. Add Requisite Subjects

In this feature, user is able to manage pre-requisite and co-requisite of each subjects. Pre-requisite is a subject that must be successfully completed before student enrol in another, more advanced subject. While co-requisite is very similar with pre-requisite, but the difference is that a co-requisite may be studied at the same time as the subject that requires it. A co-requisite subject also represents a set of skills or a body of knowledge that a student must acquire through concurrent enrolment in another course and without which the student is highly unlikely to succeed.

To access Manage Requisite subject page, refer following steps.

1. Choose Manage Requisite in Action dropdown list

2. Click Go button

2.4. Manage Program – Master Study Plan

2.4.1. Create Master Study Plan


To access Study Plan page, refer following steps.

1. Choose Study Plan in Action dropdown list

2. Click Go button

Verify study plan for specific program page will be displayed as per shown below.


Each program/course must have it's own study plan to ensure each subject that needs to be taken to complete the program is set accordingly across each semester. This is where the master copy of study plan is created. It will be the base of the study plan for the particular program. Perform the following steps to set the study plan:


1. Filter the desired faculty

2. Click Filter button. List of subject offered by the respected faculty will be generated.

3. Choose subject


4. Click Add button. New subject will be listed in the program study plan.


5. Set the semester for the particular subject to be offered

6. Change the type of the subject whether it's core, compulsory or an elective subject

2.5.Manage Academic Session

Click on Manage Academic Session link to access Manage Semester page.

2.5.1. Add New Academic Session

Click Add New Academic Session link to in order to create new academic session.


To add new semester, user needs to:

1. Select academic session code

2. Enter academic session name

3. Choose course/program offered during the respected academic session

4. Choose academic session date from date picker

5. Choose register date from date picker (this is to set the duration of online semester registration for students)

6. Select coursework/attendance entry date (this is to set the duration of mark & attendance entry for lecturers)

7. Select final mark entry date from date picker (this is to set the duration of final mark entry for lecturers)

8. Select add/drop date from date picker (this is to set the duration of Add/Drop Subject for students)

9. Click Add button

New academic session will be added into the list.


2.5.2. Update and Delete Academic

Academic Session can be edited by clicking on Update link. It can be deleted if its no longer needed or instead, user may set it to inactive if it's no longer needed.

1. Click Update link to make amendments in academic session info

2. Click Delete link to permanently remove the academic session

Verify update semester page will be displayed as per shown below.


2.5.3. Manage Academic Session – Subject Pre-Registration

Subject Pre-Registration is a function which is used to enrol / bulk copy subjects based on study plan to related students for the particular academic session. There some situation whereby it is required to performed Subject Pre-Registration. Below are some example of situations:

1. During student activation and semester registration process (done in Admission module), subjects based on study plan for the particular academic session will be automatically copied to each related students. If study plan is set only after the student activation process or semester registration process has been performed subjects will not be auto copied. Therefore, it is require to perform Subject Pre-Registration process.

2. During semester registration process, there's an option whether to copy or not copy study plan to the specific student. If user choose not to copy study plan during semester registration process due to some changes require to be made in intake study plan (Manage Intake Batch > Manage Subject) and then decided to copy back the subjects after changes has been made, user may use Subject Pre-Registration function for this.

3. After student data migration or mapping done to update status and semester in bulk, there's a possibility that subjects will not be copied. Subject Pre-Registration function can be used to copy related subjects to numbers of students.

Note: Situations can varies from each educational institutes to another. Please contact if you require more details explanation.

User may also add or drop subjects to individual students. This can be done in Student Search/Profile > Manage Subject > Add/Drop Subjects. To access subject pre registration page, click on Manage Academic Session link (refer to figure below).

Click on Subject Pre-Registration link in order to access the Subject Pre-Registration page



To enrol /bulk copy subjects to the students, the following steps should be taken:

1. Select faculty

2. Select program

3. Choose semester

4. Choose status

5. Click Filter button. Verify all the students on that particular faculty, program, semester and status will be appearing in the list.

6. Tick the checkbox (choose desired students to be performed Subject Pre-Registration)

7. Click Register button 

Study plan on that particular academic session will be copied to the students.

Note: The subject that is not included in the study plan on the particular academic session will not be automatically deleted. User require to delete it manually by dropping it in the Student Profile > Manage Subject

2.5.4. Manage Academic Session – Semester Registration (Bulk)

Previously, semester registration is done individually to each qualified student. This process is normally done by Registrar/Admission in Admission module. In new version of barracudaCMS, we have a new function whereby user may perform bulk semester registration. However individual Semester Registration still remain in Admission module for certain usage. Bulk semester registration process is normally assign to each head of faculty or faculty representative. This is to avoid confusion or to segregate the responsibilities to each faculties.

To perform bulk semester registration, follow the following steps:

1. Select faculty

2. Select program

3. Select intake

4. Select semester

5. Click Filter button

6. User may choose to copy study plan (check to copy)

7. User may choose to generate bill (check to copy)

Verify list of student based on the filtering criteria will appear

8. Finance block will appear if student has outstanding balance (Refer to your Finance department in order to release the students)

9. Check student who is eligible to move to next semester.

10. Click Register button to proceed

Verify semester will be increased and new academic session will be tied to specific student. Subjects will be copied based on study plan if copy to study plan is checked and bill will be generated if generate semester bill is checked.

Note: Those who has the override process can perform semester registration to the students who are blocked due to the outstanding. This can be done in System Admin > Settings > Override Process.

2.6. Academic Setting


Academic setting is to do some specific settings for certain function in academic module. Click on Academic Setting link to access Academic Setting page as per shown in figure below.


2.6.1. General


Click on General link to configure general setting of academic module. 


The function of each settings will be explained as below.

1. Dean's List (GPA): To set the minimum GPA for Dean's List award (this is a general setting, means that all students from any programs will received Dean's List award according to this configuration). Please note that program's dean list award setting can be set in Manage Program.

2. Dean's List (Min Credit Hour): To set the minimum credit hour for Dean's List award (this is a general setting, means that all students from any programs will received Dean's List award according to this configuration). Please note that program's dean list award setting can be set in Manage Program.

3. Add Drop Session (Max Credit Hour): To set the maximum credit hour of subject student can registered during Add/Drop Subject session. System will block student to register the subject if exceed the maximum credit hour set.

4. Repeat Subject Calculation: To configure the calculation of repeat subject either by Highest Result, Latest Result or Calculate All. 

5. Incomplete Prerequisite Subject Block: To block/unblock the registration of subject with pre-requisite.

6. Auto-send Warning Letter: To enable/disable the automatic warning letter send to the Student Portal based on the Attendance Warning setting.

7. Enable Subject Status Change: To enable/disable auto-change of subject status 

8. Subject Status Change For: To configure the subject status to be changed if Enable Subject Status Change is turned on. For example, if Subject Status Change For is set to Fail/Refer, the status will change to Referred once student repeat the same subject in next semester. 

9. Show coursework marks: To enable/disable of coursework marks display in Student Portal > Attendance & Coursework Status

10. Show coursework marks by date: To enable/disable of coursework marks display by Coursework/Attendance Entry Date set in Manage Academic Session.

11. Lecturer Update Marks: To allow/disallow lecturer to update the coursework and final mark provided that no submission has been done.

12. Previous Attendance Alert: To enable/disable previous attendance alert display in Student Portal > Dashboard.

2.6.2. Marks

Click on Marks link to make amendments on Marks settings

To edit the marks setting, perform the following steps:

1. Click to edit and enter the value

2. Click OK to save the value or CANCEL to delete the entered value

2.6.3. Attendance

Click on attendance link to access attendance setting page.

This function is to set the maximum days for attendance entry after class has been conducted. To edit the attendance setting, perform the following steps:

1. Click to edit and enter the value

2. Click OK to save the value or CANCEL to delete the value

2.6.4. Attendance Type

Click attendance type link to access attendance type page.

Attendance type function allows user to add different type of attendance to suite current situation. To add attendance type, perform the following steps:

1. Enter name

2. Enter description

3. Enter code

4. Select attend flag whether Yes or No

5. Click add button

Verify new attendance type will be added into the list of attendance type

2.6.5. Attendance Warning

Click on Attendance Warning link to access attendance warning setting.

This feature is to set warning alert when student attendance has reached certain percentage of attendance. This will be alerted in student portal. To add attendance warning, the following steps should be taken:

1. Enter warning name

2. Enter percentage

3. Select warning order

4. Enter message

5. Select barred flag

6. Click add button

Verify new attendance warning will be added in the list.

Note: To update and delete the data, user should click on the Update and Delete link as shown in figure above.

2.6.6. Assessment Type

Click on assessment type link to access assessment type setting page.

This function is to set reference for assessment type. To add assessment type, perform the following steps:

1. Enter assessment type

2. Enter description

3. Select final flag

4. Enter order

5. Click Add button

Verify new assessment type will be added into the list.

Note: If the final flag is set to Yes in the specific assessment, the function of absent final will be reflected in the marks entry. If the student absent during the final exam, it will automatically calculate the marks of student as zero. User able to update and delete the assessment type setting by clicking on the Update and Delete link as shown above.

2.6.7. Academic Status 

Academic status term can be managed here. In addition, in this feature, user is able to set the default, repeat and dismiss/terminate status of academic status.

Click on the Academic Status link to access Academic Status page.

To set the default, repeat and dismiss/terminate status, please perform the following actions.

  1. Choose default status. Default status is usually used to indicate the first semester student academic status. For example, all semester 1 student default status is Satisfactory, system will check the academic status rules setting set below to indicate which academic status should be awarded to the student according to the student GPA and CGPA.
  2. Choose repeat status
  3. Choose dismiss/terminate status

To add institution's academic status term, please perform the following action.

  1. Enter status code
  2. Enter status name
  3. Enter description
  4. Enter order
  5. Click on Add button

Click on Delete link to remove the record.

2.6.8. Academic Status Rules

Example of academic status is probation, dismissal, et cetera. This function is to update the status. Click on Academic Status link to access academic status setting page.

To add academic status, perform the following steps:

1. Select previous status

2. Enter minimum GPA

3. Enter maximum GPA

4. Enter minimum CGPA

5. Enter maximum CGPA

6. Select new status

7. Click Add button

Verify new academic status will be added in the list.

Click on Delete link to delete the data permanently from the list.

2.6.9. Result View

Result view setting is provided to let user set the period of displaying student result in Student Portal and the layout of student result in Staff and Student Portal.


Click on the Result View link to access Result View page.


In Current Result Show Period setting, user is able to enable or disable the setting. 


To disable the setting, turn off the configuration. Student is able to view the student result without any time limitation.

To turn on the setting, refer the following steps.

1. Turn on the setting

2. Enter the days to publish the result. System will hide the student result once it reached the number of days set.

In addition, click on the checkbox as below to configure the layout of student result.



Given example as above, the system will display the total marks of each subjects in Staff Portal while in Student Portal, both current and previous result will not display the total marks of subject.

3.0 Step by Step Process

3.1. Student Search

Click on Student Search link to search information for specific student.

Student information can be searched by entering specific keyword such as name, IC/passport or student id keyword in the search field or using advanced search function. Perform the following steps to search for specific student:

1. Enter specific keyword in search field or

2. Click advanced search link to narrow down the search process.

3. Select campus, faculty, program, intake, semester number or status dropdown list.

4. Click Search button.

Verify search record will appear as per shown in figure below.


3.1.1. Student Profile

To access specific student profile, click View Profile link as per shown in figure above. Student profile page will be displayed as per below figure.

1 – This section which appears in box displays basic information for the particular student such as name, IC/passport number, student id, contact number, program taken, faculty, intake, current semester, current academic session and student status. New student id will be generated once the student is activated, student status will change from New to Active, semester will be changed to 1 and the student will be tied to specific academic session. Specific definition for student id format are as follows:

Student Id : DMG08131005

DMG- Program/course

0813 - Intake (August 2013)

1 - Campus number (campus branch – this is optional to certain educational institute)

005 - Sequence no. /running no

Note: User may update student Id using Update Student Id function (appear in Admission module).

2 – This section is displaying registration date (activation date), sponsor name (JPA, MARA, PTPTN, etc), status of the documents whether it has been fully submitted or some are still pending, expected end date and recruited by (marketing agent info).

3 – This part is call action. It will show actions under specific department. For example for Finance department it will show make payment and other related links under finance. In academic, manage subject, view attendance and manual marks entry will be shown in action.

4 – These are call tabs. This section are divided into personal info, academic background, status log, hostel information and notes. The details are as per below:

  • Personal Info - Display personal information about particular students such as contact info, etc.
  • Program Info – List down all programs taken in particular college. It will sorted by chronology (e.g. foundation/diploma etc.).
  • Academic Background - Display qualification or education background for particular students (e.g. SPM, STPM, etc.)
  • Academic Status - Display academic status for each semester/academic session
  • Status Log – Is showing activities or status history/record for specific student – starting from active, completed, defer, etc. (this is set by admission department)
  • Hostel Information - Display hostel information for example it will show hostel that are currently tie for specific student.
  • Notes - User can add any notes for any students. It can be viewed throughout all department.Note: Tabs will be varies according to access set in System Admin module.

3.1.2. Manage Subject

In this feature, user is able to add or drop the subject registered.

Click on the Manage Subject link to access Manage Subject page.


Add Subject

To add the subject, perform the following steps.


1. Click Add Subject link to access Add Student Subject page


2. Choose faculty

3. Choose program

4. Click Filter button. List of subjects offered by the selected faculty and program will appear.

5. Select subject

6. Click Add button

Subject will be registered to the student record.


Drop Subject

To drop the subject, actions below can be taken.


1. Choose subject

2. Click Drop button

Subject will no longer exists in student subject list.


3.1.3. View Attendance 

In this feature, user is able to view the student's detail or summary attendance information on the specific academic session.

To access View Attendance page, click on the View Attendance link.


To view the details of student's attendance, perform the following steps.


1. Choose attendance type

2. Choose academic session

3. Choose subject

4. Click Filter button

The subject information and the details of student attendance will be displayed as above. User is also able to print the student attendance directly from system by clicking on the Print Student Attendance link.

In addition, user can also view the summary details of student attendance. In summary attendance, all subjects registered by the student on the selected academic session will be displayed and the attendance information whether student is present (/) or absent (X)  each dates can be seen here. To view the summary details of student attendance, perform steps below.


1. Choose attendance type

2. Choose academic session

3. Click Filter button

The list of student summary attendance will be displayed as below.


3.2. Manage Assessment

Assessment is a method to evaluate student for particular subject. There are two ways to tie assessment to specific subject. One method is using template or group assessment and another way is to manually create/add assessment for specific subject.

3.2.1. Create Group Assessment - Template

Before any subject can be tied to group assessment/template, assessment template must be created first. Refer below steps on how to create assessment template.

Click on Manage Assessment link in order to access Manage Group Assessment page.

Click on Add New Assessment Group link in order to enter add new group assessment page

To add new assessment template, perform the following steps:

1. Enter Assessment Group title.

2. Enter assessment method, choose assessment type (quiz, test, final exam, etc.) and enter weightage (division of percentage for each assessment from a total of 100%) for each assessment method.

3. Click Add More button to add more assessment type.

4. Click Save button to save the template

Verify new assessment group/template will be added in the list as per shown in figure below.

3.2.2. Manage Individual Assessment / By Subject

Manage subject assessment can be done by setting assessment to each subject. User must first access Manage Subject page. Click on Manage Subject link in order to access manage subject page.

Filter subjects under specific faculty. Choose Assessment dropdown menu for the subject that needs to be evaluated. Verify add Manage Assessment Version page will appear as per shown in figure below.

Click on Add New Version link in order to enter Add Assessment Version page for adding assessment.

Assessment can be set individually by subject (refer section Manage Individual Assessment / By Subject) or can be copied using assessment template (refer to Manage Group Assessment - Template) . Perform the following steps to set assessment to specific subject:

1. Select copy from template to set assessment using template.


2. Enter values in section 2 to manually add the assessment.

3. Click Save button to save the assessment

3.3. Manage/Create Intake Batch

Click on Manage Intake Batch link to access Intake Batch page as per shown in figure above.

Intake batch for specific intake/program will be created once student activation or semester registration is done. To filter specific intake batch for specific program :

1. Select Faculty

2. Select desired Intake

3. Press Show Intake button

Verify list of programs for that particular intake and program will appear in the list.

3.3.1. Manage Intake Batch Study Plan (Manage Subject)

This type of study plan is similar to master study plan in manage program. In fact it is copied from master study plan. However, this study plan will be crucial or significant if there's changes on study plan for the particular intake. So this study plan will be reflected only to the particular intake. This must be done/set before conducting semester registration process. Choose any program to be managed. Click on Manage Subject link in order to manage study plan that will be use for section/class assignment.

Verify subjects for the particular program within the specific intake will be listed as per shown in figure above. Any changes done for example if the subject listed is not offered for the particular semester, user may change it in here.

User also has an option to copy intake study plan from master study plan or selected study plan. To copy study plan, please perform the following steps:

1. Click on Copy Study Plan link

2. Choose Copy From

If Intake Study Plan is chosen, kindly select the intake 

4. Click Copy button

System will replace all subjects in current study plan with selected study plan.

New subject may be added in the list by accessing add new subject section at the bottom of the page. Filter the subjects by faculty and click filter button. Verify all subjects within that particular faculty will appear in the list as per shown in figure below.

Tick/check on the checkbox and press Add button (most bottom of the screen) in order to add subjects from the particular faculty to the specific program.

3.3.2. Create Intake Group


Total of students for that particular intake batch will be divided into groups. Each group will be tied into different sections/classes. Group is created to easily divide students into sections. Click on Manage Group link to enter manage intake group page as per shown in figure below.


To create group, perform the following steps:

1. Enter intake group name (e.g DMT-01-0916-1) – DMT-01 is program code, 0916 is intake and 1 is the group number

2. Choose start date

3. Choose completion date

4. Filter by campus

5. Choose students to be assign in that particular group by ticking on the student name

6. Click Submit button to save the selection


Click Update link in order to update the number of students or choose different students that will be added in the particular intake group as per shown in figure below. Check or uncheck in students name and press submit.


Manage Subject Offer page will display the list of subjects to be offered in semester/ academic session. The subjects are auto copied or created base on study plan in intake batch (manage subject) when registration day is created in admission module. Click on Manage Subject Offer link to access Manage Subject Offer page.

3.4.1. Add / Manage Offer Subjects for Semester

If there's changes on the subjects that need to be offered for the particular semester/academic session, go to Add New Subject section to add more subjects. Perform the following steps :

1. Select desired faculty.

2. Click Filter button.

3. Verify list of subjects offered within that particular semester/academic session that are tie

to that faculty will be displayed in the page screen.

4. Tick on the subjects wish to be added in the sections/class.

5. Scroll down to most bottom of the screen and click Add button.

6. Verify newly added subject is added in the Manage Subject to Offer List.

3.4.2. Create Sections / Classes

To access section page, first user must enter manage subject offer page. Click manage subject offer link to enter manage subject offer page. 


Refer following steps to access Manage Section page.

1. Choose academic session
2. Choose faculty
3. Click Filter button. List of subject offered during the respected academic session will be displayed.
4. Click Manage Section link

Verify Add New Section form will be displayed as per shown in figure below. 



To add new section/class, perform the following steps:

1. Click on Add New Section link to access Add New Section page

2. Enter section name

3. Select lecturer

4. Select lecturer 2

5. Select lecturer 3

6. Enter quota of the section/class

7. Click checkbox to duplicate the section

8. Choose number to duplicate

9. Press Save button.

New section will be created as per shown in below figure.


Assign Students to Sections / Class


Student can be assigned to section using three different method which is assign students from specific group or selected faculty, program or semester to sections, assign students by copy to section and assign students by copy from section.

To access student list for assigning students to a particular subject/sections, perform the following steps:

1. Choose Manage Student in action dropdown menu

2. Click Go button

Assign Students from Specific Faculty, Program and Semester to Sections

To assign students to sections/class by specific faculty, program and semester, perform the following steps:


1. Select faculty

2. Select program

3. Select semester

4. Select registered to subject. Tick to generate the student who registered to the specified subject only and vice versa.

5. Click Filter button. The list of student who registered the subject under the desired faculty, program and semester will be generated.

6. Choose student

7. Click Submit button

New students will be assigned to the section accordingly.


Assign Students from Specific Group to Sections


To assign students to sections/class by selecting students from previously created group, perform the following steps:

1. Filter by faculty (to narrow down the search)

2. Choose program

3. Verify intake group will only display groups under the particular program. Select intake group that has been created previously.

4. Choose registered to subject

5. Click Filter button. Verify list of student under the specific intake group appear in the list.

6. Check student that need to be assigned to the section

7. Press Submit button to save the selection

Verify new student is added in section.

Assign Students by Copy To

To access student list for assigning students to a particular subject/sections, perform the following steps:

1. Choose Copy To in action dropdown menu.

2. Click go button.

Verify copy class to page will be displayed as per shown below.

To assign students to sections/class, user is able to copy student of other subject section into the particular section. User needs to perform the following steps:

1. Filter by semester (currently known as academic session)

2. Filter by faculty

3. Verify faculty will only display subject under the particular faculty. Select subject that has been created previously.

4. Click Filter button. Verify list of section under the specific subject appear in the list.

5. Check section that need to be assigned/copied to the specify section

6. Press Submit button to save the selection

Verify new student is added in section.

Assign Students by Copy From

To access student list for assigning students to a particular subject/sections, perform the following steps:

1. Choose Copy From in action dropdown menu.

2. Click go button.

Verify copy class from page will be displayed as per shown below.

To assign students to sections/class, user is able to copy student from other subject section into the particular section. User needs to perform the following steps:

1. Select academic session

2. Select faculty

3. Verify faculty will only display subject under the particular faculty. Select subject that has been created previously.

4. Verify subject will only display section under the particular subject. Select section that has been created.

5. Press Copy button to copy student from other section

Verify new student is added in section.

4.0 Lecturer Section

4.1. Manage Mark Entry

To enter marks, user must first access mark entry page by clicking on View Subject/Section link. View Subject/Section page will also display the options to either add mark entry, view mark entry list, add attendance or view attendance list.

4.1.1. Marks Entry


To add new mark entry for particular subject in a particular section/class. Follow the steps below:

1. Select Academic Session

2. Select Faculty option

3. Choose Section

4. Choose Marks - Entry Action

5. Click View List button

Verify the information on lecturer, subject and academic session will be displayed as per below figure.


To add mark to assessment for each student. Follow below steps :

1. Select the type of assessment in the dropdown list e.g Quiz, final exam etc.

2. Click Filter button

3. Verify list or students tie to that particular subject/section will be displayed

4. Enter marks for the particular assessment in the marks fields can be done by using percentage or raw marks. If the user selects percentage, the marks will be enter by referring to the weightage as shown above. If raw marks is used, the user needs to enter total marks and the marks entered in the marks field will be automatically converted to the percentage set as in the weightage.

5. The function of absent final will be reflected/appeared in the marks entry only if the final flag of the specific assessment is set to Yes. If the student absent during the assessment, click the absent final checkbox and it will automatically calculate the marks of student as zero.

6. Press Save button to save the record

Note : Marks can be updated if Lecturer Update Marks setting is activated and marks haven't been submitted yet. Once marks are submitted, lecturer is no longer able to amend the student marks. The function RESET as shown in below figure can only be seen by others except lecturer.

With Save button, system won’t calculate the total marks, grade and subject status once the marks were keyed in and saved. 

Verify alert/warning message will pop up in the screen if marks entered exceeded the maximum weightage allowed.

4.1.2. Marks Submit

Once all assessment marks are keyed in, lecturer can Submit the marks by accessing to the below feature.

1. Select Academic Session

2. Select Faculty option

3. Choose Section

4. Choose Marks - Submit Action

5. Click View List button

The marks submit page will be displayed as per below figure.

To submit the mark, refer following steps.

1. Verify the assessment marks and total marks

2. Click Submit button


The total marks, grade and subject status will be displayed as below once marks were submitted.


Note: Marks - Submit in Action selection will only appear if marks have been keyed in to all assessments of the respected subject. 

4.1.3. Marks View

To view assessment entry. Follow the steps below:

1. Select Academic Session

2. Select Faculty option

3. Choose Section

4. Choose Marks - View Action

5. Click View List button

6. Verify previously added marks for all type of assessment will appear in the screen.

Note : Verify the total marks for combine assessment will be auto calculated and grades are retrieved from the total marks as per shown in figure below.


Student marks can also be viewed in student profile in academic status page. To access Academic Status, go to Student Profile under Academic Status tab.

Click on Academic Status tab. Verify result appear in academic status page as per shown in figure below.

4.2. Manage Attendance

To manage attendance, user must perform steps mentioned in Manage Mark Entry.

4.2.1. Attendance Entry


To add attendance for students in particular section, perform the following steps:

1. Select academic session

2. Select faculty

3. Select section

4. Select attendance entry action

5. Click on View List button


To enter attendance, perform the following steps:

1. Enter date

2. Choose start time

3. Select duration

4. Check on each student present on that class and uncheck for those who's absent

5. Click submit button

System will automatically calculate the student attendance percentage as below. By default, student attendance percentage is 100%. If student absent from the class, system will deduct the attendance percentage accordingly.


4.2.2. Attendance Update

Given scenario that student who absent from class comes with the MC letter or absent excuse letter on the next day, lecturer is able to update the student attendance accordingly in the system.

To access Attendance Update feature, refer the following steps.

1. Select academic session

2. Select faculty

3. Select section

4. Select attendance update action

5. Click on View List button

To update the attendance, user can perform the actions below.


1. Select date

2. Click Filter button. Verify list of students for the particular class/section will appear as per shown in figure below. 

3. Select new attendance type from dropdown list to update attendance type (e.g from absent to MC)

4. Enter supporting reason in remarks field for late, MC, etc.

5. Click Submit button at most bottom of the page to save the changes

System will recalculate back the student attendance percentage as below.


4.2.3. Attendance View

To view the attendance. Follow the steps below:


1. Select academic session

2. Select faculty

3. Select section

4. Select attendance view action

5. Click on View List button


Click on View Detailed Report link to view summary of attendance entered.


Verify student ID, student name, percentage of the attendance, date of class together with type of attendance (e.g L for late, / for attend and X for absent) will be appearing in the screen. User may hover to the attendance type to see the remarks details and print the attendance list.

4.3.Manual Result Entry

Manual result entry is a function use to enter previous academic session marks entry. Normally data migration will be catered for this. To access this function, user must first access to student profile (refer to section 3.1).

Click on Manual Result Entry link to access Manual Result Entry page.


To do manual entry result, perform the following steps:

1. Select academic session

2. Choose semester

3. Choose program

4. Click Filter button

5. Enter total marks for each subject

6. Add More Item if necessary

7. Click  Show Grade button. Once Show Grade button is clicked, the grade point, grade and subject status will be automatically tied to the each of subject based on the marks entered.

8. Click Save button

The result will be added in the list and can be viewed in the academic status.
