Table of Contents
1.2.1. Individual Section Assignment
1.2.2. Multiple Section Assignment
1.2.4. Delete or Unassign Timetable
Settings is used to perform specific settings and setup before user can start using the timetable module. To access the setting, click on Settings link to access Settings page as per shown in figure below.
Subject setting provides function to set colour of certain subject to be used when assigning section or class to the timetable slot. Click on Subject link to access Subject page.
Here, filter the subject by choosing the department to display all subjects that are offered by the particular department.
1. Enter total hours per week. System will notify user if user slot class more than the total hours per week set here.
2. Choose color by selecting the color picker.
Verify new color of the subject is shown in the subject list.
To add new event type, perform the following steps:
1. Enter event type code
2. Enter event type name
3. Select color in the colorpicker
4. Select block activity checkbox
5. Enter description
6. Click Add button to save the setting
Verify new event type is added into the list.
Note: If the block activity is selected, the slot will be blocked for the specific activity. User is not able to assign the class or section on that particular event type or time slot.
Event is a function used to create event based on the event type created previously. Click Event link to access Event page.
To add new event, click Add New Event link and perform the following steps:
1. Select event type
2. Enter event name
3. Select start date
4. Choose end date
5. Enter description
6. Click Add button to save the setting
Verify new event will be added into the list.
Click on Time Block link to access the Time Block page. Here, user is able to create time block and time slot of specific department to be used in manage timetable later.
Click on Add New Time Block link to access Add New Time Block page
Click on Academic Calendar link to access Academic Calendar page.
To add new academic calendar, click on the Add New Academic Calendar link.
Perform the following steps to add new academic calendar:
1. Select academic session
2. Enter the academic week (The list of academic week is based on the start date and end date of academic session created previously on academic module)
3. Click Save button
Verify new academic calendar will be added into the list.
To manage the timetable, perform the following steps:
1. Select academic session
2. Select faculty
3. Choose program
4. Choose semester no
5. Enter section name
6. Click Filter button
It will be directed to the Manage Timetable where user is able to assign section or class into the timetable given. System will also list down all sections that have been offered by the respected faculty and program on the selected academic session.
7. Click Assign link to assign section into the timetable
8. Select lecturer (auto populate based on the assigned lecturer during creating the section in Academic > Manage Subject Offer > Manage Section)
9. Choose venue. System will populate the section that tied to the selected venue in the timetable slot.
10. Enter remarks
11. Click to assign section in the slot/time slot
12. Click Save Timetable button. Here, a dialog box will appear. User has an option whether to duplicate the timetable or not.
13. Choose to duplicate or not
14. Choose period to duplicate (based on the academic week calendar)
15. Click Save button
Note : Please take note that user is not able to assign the class or section into the timetable slot that has already occupied with the events such as public holiday, semester break and et cetera since the events block all the activities on that particular day. For example, when the section is assigned to the Deepavali timetable slot, the message below will pop up.
On top of that, be alert that the slot will be overlapped if the user assign the slot on:
1. Same time, same venue and difference section OR
2. Same time, same lecturer and different venue
But the user is still able to assign the section on the slot by removing the overlapping and book the slot to a new one. The message below will show on the screen.
1.2.2. Multiple Section Assignment
To assign combine section/class into the timetable, refer steps below.
1. Follow Step 1 until 10 in Section 1.2.1 Individual Section Assignment
2. Click on Advanced Setting link to display the additional information
3. Choose section to combine with
4. Choose other lecturer
5. Click to assign section in the slot/time slot
6. Click Save Timetable button. Here, a dialog box will appear. User has an option whether to duplicate the timetable or not.
7. Choose to duplicate or not
8. Choose period to duplicate (based on the academic week calendar)
9. Click Save button
Verify new section or class is assigned to the timetable as below.
This icon indicates that the timetable slot consists of combine section class.
Note: Please note that system will allow user to slot the class exceed the hour per week set, however, system will block user if hour set is more than the total hours of the subject.
To view the timetable, the steps below should be taken:
1. Choose academic week
2. Choose view by (lecturer, venue, subject or section)
Verify the shown timetable is based on the academic week and view by.
1.2.4. Delete or Unassign Timetable
To delete the timetable slot, perform the following steps:
1. Click on the time-slot
2. Click Delete link
Verify the timetable slot will be permanently deleted from the timetable.
To unassign or delete the timetable slot (in group / multiple academic weeks), perform the following steps:
2. Choose venue
3. Click on the desired slot
4. Click Save Timetable button. Verify Duplicate pop up window will appear.
5. Select on Duplicate radio button
6. Choose range of Academic weeks to be duplicated
7. Click Save button
Verify the timetable slot will be permanently deleted from the timetable for multiple academic weeks as below.