Table of Contents
Online Application .......................................................................................... 3
Topic 1 : Register .................................................................................... 3
Topic 2 : Login......................................................................................... 4
Topic 3 : Application Form ....................................................................... 5
Personal Information .............................................................. 5
Academic Background ........................................................... 7
Parent / Guardian Information . ............................................... 8
Parent / Guardian Information ................................................ 9
Submit Application Form........................................................ 10
Topic 4 : Check Application Status..................................................... 10
Online application is used to let applicants apply for a place directly to the college/university via a custom online form. The online application page will be displayed as per below.
User needs to register first if user does not have an account yet. Click on Register link to access Register for Application page.
To register, perform the following steps:
1. Enter name
2. Enter email
3. Enter IC or passport number (without “-” or space)
4. Enter two words from ReCaptcha
5. Click Register button
Verify new account is added into the system. Please take a note that once user registered into the system, the particular user will be notified via email that user has successfully registered the account for applying to study in particular university.
User may enter or login into the system if the user already registered or wanted to update the application information. To login into the system, user needs to perform the following steps:
1. Enter email
2. Enter password
3. Click Login button
The page will be directed to the application form once user login into the system.
Application form is categorised into five parts which are personal information, academic background, parent/guardian information, upload supporting files and submit application.
To apply the application, perform the following steps:
Personal Information
1. Select type of student
2. IC/passport number will automatically generated once user login into the system
3. Name will automatically generated once user login into the system
4. Enter phone (mobile)
5. Enter phone (home)
6. Email will automatically generated once user login into the system
7. Select date of birth
8. Select place of birth
9. Choose nationality
10. Choose gender
11. Choose religion
12. Select race
13. Select marital status
Student Program
1. Select first choice of program
2. Select second choice of program
3. Select third choice of program
Permanent Address
1. Enter address line 1
2. Enter address line 2
3. Enter postcode
4. Enter city
5. Select state
6. Select country Mailing Address
Mailing Address
7. Check same as above (will copy data from permanent address)
8. Enter address line 1
9. Enter address line 2
10. Enter postcode
11. Enter city
12. Select state
13. Select country
14. Click save and proceed to save the information and continue to the next step
Verify the second tab (academic background page) will be opened.
To add qualification, the steps should be taken:
1. Select qualification
2. Click Add Item
Verify new screen will be opened
3. Click on Save & Proceed to proceed to the next tab which is parent/guardian information
To add details to the academic background, perform the following steps:
1. Enter institution/school
2. Select completion year
3. Select grade
4. Click on Add More Item to add more subjects
5. Click Save button
Click on Add New Parent/Guardian Info to access the Create New Contact form. Click Save & Proceed button and it will be directed to the Upload Supporting Files tab.
Fill up the above form. Click Save button.
Click on the Upload Supporting Files tab to access Upload Supporting Files page. To upload supporting files, perform the following steps:
1. Choose document type
2. Choose file
3. Click on Upload button
File uploaded will be list down. Click Save & Proceed button and it will be directed to the Submit Application tab.
As all the information is entered correctly, click on Submit Form button to submit the application. Upon clicking the 'Submit Form' button, the user has already read and agreed to the Terms & Condition and acknowledged all the information are true.
Topic 4 : Check Application Status
To check the application status, click on the Check Application Status link.
To check the application status, follow the steps below:
1. Enter IC Number
2. Click Search button
Verify status of the student will be displayed as shown in figure. The application status of the student will changed from processing to successful or unsuccessful once the admission process the application in New Application in the Admission and Record module.