Table of Contents
1.1.2. Add/Update Exam Index Number
Click on Student Search link to access Student Search page.
Student information can be searched using name, IC/Passport or student ID keyword in the search field.
1. Enter keyword in search field or
2. Click advanced search to narrow down the search
3. Select campus, faculty, program, intake, semester number or status drop-down list
4. Click search button
Verify search record will appear like example shown in figure below.
Section 1 - This section which appears in box displays basic information for the particular student such as name, IC/passport number, student ID, program, faculty, intake, current semester and student status.
Section 2 - This section displays academic status, outstanding balance and CGPA of student.
Section 3 - This section displays actions that can be performed in Exam module such as add/update exam index number, attendance view and publish/unpublish result.
Section 4 - These are call tabs (see figure above). This section are divided into personal info, academic status, notes and etc. The details are as per below:
Personal Info - Display personal information about particular students such as contact info, etc.
Academic Status - Display academic status for each semester/academic session
Notes - User can add any notes for any students. It can be view throughout all department.
To access this feature, click on the Add/Update Exam Index Number link.
To add or update the student exam index no, refer following steps.
1. Enter index number
2. System will automatically save the record
In this feature, user is able to view the student's detail or summary attendance information on the specific academic session.
To access Attendance View page, click on the Attendance View link.
To view the details of student's attendance, perform the following steps.
1. Choose attendance type
2. Choose academic session
3. Choose subject
4. Click Filter button
The subject information and the details of student attendance will be displayed as above. User is also able to print the student attendance directly from system by clicking on the Print Student Attendance link.
In addition, user can also view the summary details of student attendance. In summary attendance, all subjects registered by the student on the selected academic session will be displayed and the attendance information whether student is present (/) or absent (X) each dates can be seen here. To view the summary details of student attendance, perform steps below.
1. Choose attendance type
2. Choose academic session
3. Click Filter button
The list of student summary attendance will be displayed as below.
Click on the Publish/Unpublish link to access Publish/Unpublish page.
In this page, system will list down all student's results according to the academic session and semester number. To publish or unpublish the result, user can perform actions below.
1. Tick to publish the result and untick to unpublish the result
Once published, student is able to view the results in the Student Portal and vice versa.
1.2. Settings
There are few settings that user needs to configure in Exam module such as Exam Reminder Template, Config and Result View. Click on the Settings link to access Settings page.
1.2.1. Exam Reminder Template
Exam Reminder Template is a feature used to manage the reminder/rules for examination candidates in the exam docket/slip.
Clicking on the Exam Reminder Template link will redirect user to the Exam Reminder page.
To add new exam reminder template, follow the steps below.
1. Click on the Add New Exam Template link to access Add New Exam Reminder Template page as below
2. Enter template name
3. Enter template body
4. Choose status
5. Click Save button save the record
Newly added template will be listed in the list as below.
In this feature, there are several settings that user can managed such as outstanding block, outstanding counter, exam slip header and many more.
Click on the Config link to access Config page.
The purposes of each settings will be described as below.
1. Student Exam Slip Header: To enable/disable the display of header (institute's logo and address) in the student exam slip/docket (Student Portal)
2. Student Exam Result Header: To enable/disable the display of header (institute's logo and address) in the student result slip (Student Portal)
3. Publish Exam Slip: To enable/disable automatic publish exam slip. If the setting is turned on, exam slip/docket must be published by the user so that student is able to generate the exam slip/docket via Student Portal and vice versa.
4. Outstanding Block: To enable/disable system to block student from generating exam slip/docket, view exam result and perform online semester registration if student has outstanding balance (finance)
5. Outstanding Counted: To set either to block student who has outstanding All Semester or Previous Semester only.
6. Exam Index No: To enable/disable of exam index no generation in Exam Index No feature. If the setting is turned off, the user won't able to generate the index no and vice versa. The index no will be displayed in the Final Examination assessment in Marks Entry instead of student name and student ID. This feature is basically used to let the student information anonymous to avoid bias from the lecturer.
7. Exam Result Footer Note: To manage the footer note in the Exam Result in Student Portal
Result view setting is provided to let user set the period of displaying student result in Student Portal and the layout of student result in Staff and Student Portal.
Click on the Result View link to access Result View page.
In Current Result Show Period setting, user is able to enable or disable the setting.
To disable the setting, turn off the configuration. Student is able to view the student result without any time limitation.
To turn on the setting, refer the following steps.
1. Turn on the setting
2. Enter the days to publish the result. System will hide the student result once it reached the number of days set.
In addition, click on the checkbox as below to configure the layout of student result.
Given example as above, the system will display the total marks of each subjects in Staff Portal while in Student Portal, both current and previous result will not display the total marks of subject.
Click on Update link to access the Update Exam Schedule form.
To update exam schedule information, user needs to perform the following steps
1. Select venue
2. Select head invigilator
3. Pick date
4. Select time start
5. Choose time end
6. Enter remarks
7. Click Update button
Verify new exam schedule will be added into the list.
Click Reset link to reset the exam schedule entered.
Publish Result feature is provided to allow user to publish the student result to Student Portal by bulk.
To publish the student result, refer following steps.
1. Choose faculty
2. Choose program
3. Choose academic session
4. Select semester no
5. Select status (student)
6. Select result status
7. Click Filter button. List of selected student will be appeared accordingly.
8. Choose senate date
9. Choose student
10. Click Publish button
Student result of selected students will be published in Student Portal.
The concept of this feature is similar with 1.6 Publish Result. However, this feature is used to publish exam slip/docket so that student is able to retrieve and generate it from the Student Portal itself.
Click on the Publish Exam Slip to access Publish Exam Slip page.
To publish the exam slip, below steps should be taken.
1. Choose faculty
2. Choose program
3. Choose academic session
4. Select semester no
5. Select status
6. Select exam slip status (published, not published, unpublish)
7. Click Filter button. List of selected student will be generated.
8. Choose student
9. Click Publish button
Exam slip/docket will be published in Student Portal. Student is able to generate it accordingly.