Previously, semester registration is done individually to each qualified student. This process is normally done by Registrar/Admission in Admission module.In new version of barracudaCMS, we have a new function whereby user may perform bulk semester registration. However individual Semester Registration still remain in Admission module for certain usage. Bulk semester registration process is normally assign to each head of faculty or faculty representative. This is to avoid confusion or to segregate the responsibilities to each faculties. 

Semester registration by batch can be accessed in Academic > Manage Academic Session > Sem Reg. Please refer below.

                                                                                 save image

                     save image


To perform bulk semester registration, follow the following steps:

  1. Select faculty
  2. Select program
  3. Select intake
  4. Select semester
  5. Click Filter button
  6. User may choose to copy study plan (check to copy)
  7. User may choose to generate bill (check to copy)
    Verify list of student based on the filtering criteria will appear
  8. Finance block will appear if student has outstanding balance (Refer to your Finance department in order to release the students)
  9. Check student who is eligible to move to next semester.
  10. Click Register button to proceed

Verify semester will be increased and new academic session will be tied to specific student. Subjects will be copied based on study plan if copy to study plan is checked and bill will be generated if generate semester bill is checked.