Manual result entry is a function use to enter previous academic session marks entry. Normally data migration will be catered for this. To access this function, user must first access to student profile. If the result is already published, the user needs to unpublished the result. Amend the result and published back accordingly.

save image

Click on Manual Result Entry link to access Manual Result Entry page.

To do manual entry result, perform the following steps:

1. Select academic session

2. Choose semester

3. Click Filter button

4. Enter sitting no

5. Enter total marks for each subject

6. Check and uncheck checkbox of CGPA

7. Click Show Grade button

Once Show Grade button is clicked, the total grade point, cumulative grade point, GPA, CGPA

and et cetera will be automatically calculated as shown in figure above. Academic status will also be tied automatically.

8. Click Save button

The result will be added in the list and can be viewed in the academic status.