Before auto billing can be generated in student ledger, the billing setting/template must be pre-set. The billing setting can be created in fee group page. Different fee group will be tied to different programs.
Click on fee group link in order to access fee group page .
Click on Add New Fee Group link to add new fee group.
Fee group can be set using two ways. One is manual another one is using template. Perform the following steps to set fee group by template:
- Choose program name
- Copy template by selecting from any template in the list
- Enter description
- Press Create button at the bottom
To set fee group manually, perform the following steps:
- Choose program name
- Leave the copy template empty.
- Enter description
- Choose account code
- Choose semester
- Enter fee for local student
- Enter fee for international student
- Click add more item button if needs to add more list of item
- Press Create button