SKM Evaluation is used to evaluate the level of knowledge and skills of every trainer that joining the program as conducted by JPK. For SKM Features Set Up, kindly follow the steps below.
1.0 Create Faculty
Kindly create the faculty under the Academic > Manage Faculty > Add New Faculty
Once the information has been filled, click Add to complete the process.
2.0 Manage SKM Grading Group
Kindly create the SKM Assessment Group under the Academic > Manage SKM Grading Group > Add New Grading Group
1. Set the Group Code for the Grading Group
2. The description of the Group Code
3. Represent the valuation of the subject. For SKM, there are three types of valuation which is 1. Terampil Cemerlang, 2. Terampil, 3. Belum Terampil.
4. Represent the maximum marks of the Grading Evaluation.
5. Represent the minimum marks of the Grading Evaluation.
6. Grades for the grading.
7. Gradepoint for the Subject Evaluation
8. Pass / Fail flag for the subject. Either Pass or Fail.
9. Click Save to complete the process or Update to save recent changes.
3.0 Manage SKM Assessment Group
Kindly create the SKM Assessment Group under the Academic > Manage SKM Assessment Group > Add New Assessment Group
1. Fill up the Assessment Group Name
2. Fill up the Assessment Information and Assessment Type. Assessment Type are Standardized for SKM which are
3. Click Add to complete the step.2.1 CWT - Coursework Theory
2.2 CWP - Coursework Practical
2.3 FET - Final Exam Theory
2.4 FEP - Final Exam Practical
2.5 FP - Final Project
2.6 IT - Industrial Training
2.7 NCS - NCS Core Abilities
4.0 Manage Program
4.1 Add New Program
User may able to create the program under the Academic > Manage Program > Add New Program
2. SKM Programme Name Column
3. Matrix No Prefix for Student ID generation
4. Faculty of the SKM Programme to be located
5. Semester Number of SKM Programme
6. Define the programme as SKM Programme
7. Define what Grading Group to be used by the Programme
8. Click Add to complete the process
4.2 Program Study Plan
After setting up the Program, user may proceed to set up the Study Plan for the Program. Kindly proceed to filter the program and select Study Plan under the dropdown menu.
4.3 Adding Subject Into Study Plan
To add the subject into study plan, user may follow the step as below.
1. Select the origin of the subject faculty
2. Click Filter to list out the subject
Once the subject is listed, user may follow the to add the subject into study plan.
1. Tick the checkbox of the Subject that will be added into the Study Plan
2. Click Add button to proceed with subject
Below are the screenshot of the subject that has been added under the Program.
1. Define what level of the subject to be located.
2. Define what is the CU for the Subject.
4.4 Set Up SKM Level
After completing the SKM Study Plan, user may proceed with the SKM Level. Kindly refer to the screenshot as below. Kindly proceed to filter the program and select Level under the dropdown menu.
User may proceed to add the Level under the programme. Kindly click the Add New Level link.
1. Define the level
2. Define what starting semester of subject to be covered in that particular level
3. Define what end semester of subject to be covered in that particular level
4. Click Add to complete the process.
This in an overview of the Complete SKM Programme Level Setup.
4.5 Set Up SKM Assessment
After completing the SKM Level, user may proceed with the SKM Assessment. Kindly refer to the screenshot as below. Kindly proceed to filter the program and select Assessment under the dropdown menu.
User may define the Assessment for every Level. This Assessment is referred to the Assessment that we've created in Section 3 (Manage SKM Assessment Group) earlier.
1. Select the Assessment
2. Click Save to complete the step
2. Click Save to complete the step
5.0 Manage Intake Batch
* The list of student may appear once the student is registered to the SKM Programme by Activation or Semester Registration process only. Kindly proceed with the Activation / Semester Registration before slotting the student into the Intake Batch.
To allocate the student under the group, user may use the the Manage Intake Batch under the Academic > Manage Intake Batch. Kindly proceed to filter the Faculty and Intake accordingly. Below are the example of the student already enrolled into the SKM Programme.
* If there is NO student are registered under the SKM Senibina - Sijil Kemahiran Senibina programme, the Total Student column will be represented as 0
* If there is NO group are created under the Manage Group, the Total Group column will be represented as 0
2. Manage Group features will enable the user to slot the student in the Group.
5.1 Manage Intake Group
To view the list of group under Intake Group, click the Manage Group link. The screen below will appear. This screen will list group that listed under the SKM Senibina Programme for Intake of 2015/12.
To add a new Intake Group, kindly follow the step below.
1. Fill up the 1. Intake Group Name, 2.Start Date, 3. Completion Date, 4. Receipt No.
2. Click Submit button to complete the step.
5.2 Allocating the student into Intake Group.
1. The area will list out the list of the student that are allocated into the section.
2. Add the student by using search box.
3. Or filter the student by Campus. The system will list out the student that are tied to the Programme of SKM - Senibina only.
4. Tick the student that going to be slotted into the section. User may proceed to click Submit button to add the student into Intake Group accordingly.
6.0 SKM Mark Entry
6.1 Mark Entry Filtering
To perform SKM Mark Entry, user may navigate to Academic > SKM Mark Entry. Then user may filter the as shown in the screen as below.
1. Filter the Faculty
2. Filter the Course
3. Filter the Intake
4. And Filter the Level.
Once filtered, the screen will list out the information as below.
There are four segment under the SKM Mark Entry Screen. Kindly refer to the information as below for the detail.
1. Filtering Detail
2. Assessment Version and Assessment Detail
3. Student Listing under the group
4. Legend Information for the Assessment.
6.2 Mark Entry
To perform Mark Entry, kindly navigate to segment two under the Assessment Version and Assessment Detail. There are two option that need to be filtered by the user which are,
6.2 Assessment Type Filter
Assessment Type filter consist assessment that we set up for particular level (Refer to the item 4.5, Set Up SKM Assessment). For this example, the option available are
6.2.1 : CWT Theory
6.2.2 : CWT Practical
6.2.3 : FE Theory
6.2.4 : FE Practical
6.3 Subject Filter
Subject filter contain the subject that available under the particular level (Refer to the item 4.3, Adding Subject Into Study Plan). For this example, the option available are
6.3.1 : Perform Bench Work
6.3.2 : Perform Drilling Machine Activities
6.3.3 : Perform Engineering Drawing
6.4 Assessment Mark Entry by Subject
The SKM Mark Entry is being evaluated the Assessment followed by Subject. The total of every component is totalled by the assessment and grouped by subject wise.
User may start to select the Assessment and select the Subject Name.
1. Filter the Assessment Type
2. Select the Subject
3. Lecturer may enter the Marks in the column provided.
4. The Pass and Fail status will automatically updated based on the Grading Group that has been set up earlier (Refer item 2.0, Manage SKM Grading Group)
Once completed the SKM Marks Entry for all the Assessment and Subject, you may refer to the report as belo
1. Academic > Report > Student Evaluation (Student Wise)
2. Academic > Report > Registration & Certificate Issuance Form (Intake Wise)
Prepared by
BarracudaCMS Senior Counsellor.
Updated on March 2016