1. Academic Module
Mark entry/view and attendance entry/view are functions located within academic module specifically for lecturers' usage. Click on Academic link in order to access features under Academic module.
To enter marks or attendance, user must first click on View Subject/Section link. View Subject/Section page will also display the options to either add marks, view marks entry list, add attendance or view attendance list.
 1.1.Manage Mark Entry
1.1.1.Marks Entry
Before performing mark entry process, user need to take note on below items :
- Assessment must be set to the particular subject first before doing marks entry. This process is normally done by academic officer.
- Setting subjects exemption must first be set before performing mark entry. This process is normally done by Registrar in Admission module.
- Only Head of Departments and Academic Officer can reset marks.
- Sections / class that will be listed in section field are depending on access rights. Below are the access rights details :
- Academic officer will be able to view all sections regardless of which department or faculty.
- Head of Department or Dean of the specific faculty will be able to view all sections under their department / faculty only.
- Lecturers will only be able to view it's own section/class only.
Select current Academic session option.
Choose faculty.
Choose specific section/class option (will only list sections /class teach by the specific lecturers).
Choose Marks - Entry Action.
Click View List button.
Verify the information on lecturer, subject and academic session will be displayed as per below figure.
 To add marks to each assessment for each student. Follow the steps below :
- Select the type of assessment in the dropdown list e.g quiz, mid semester, final exam etc.
- Click Filter button.
Verify list of students tie to that particular subject/section will be displayed (refer to the above figure).
User may choose to enter marks by percentage or by raw marks by referring to current marks type (highlighted in blue). To enter marks in a form of raw marks, user must enter the total marks for the particular assessment.
- For final exam assessment, if the student is absent during the final exam, choose on absent in exam attendance status listing. Student will automatically fail the subject although the student get full marks for other assessment. Marks will be changed to 0 once absent final is chosen (refer to figure above).
Enter marks for the particular assessment in the marks field (refer to the above figure). Verify alert/warning message will pop up in the screen if marks entered exceeded the maximum weightage allowed.
Press OK to re-enter the marks (refer figure below).
- Press Save button to save the record.
1.1.2.Submit Marks
Select current Academic session option.
Choose faculty.
Choose specific section/class option (will only list sections /class teach by the specific lecturers).
Choose Marks - Submit Action.
Click View List button.
1.1.3.View Marks Entry
Select current Academic session option.
Choose faculty.
Choose specific section / class option (will only list sections /classes teach by the specific lecturers).
Choose marks view Action.
Click View List button.
1.2.Manage Attendance
1.2.1.Attendance Entry

 To add attendance for students in particular section, perform the following steps:
Select current Academic session option.
Choose faculty.
Choose specific section / class option (will only list sections /classes teach by the specific lecturers).
Select attendance entry action.
Click on View List button.
 To enter attendance, perform the following steps:
Enter date of class
Choose start time
Select duration
Check for present students and uncheck for those who's absent
Click submit button.
1.2.2.Update Attendance

 To update attendance for students in particular section, perform the following steps:
Select current Academic session option.
Choose faculty.
Choose specific section / class option (will only list sections /classes teach by the specific lecturers).
Select update attendance action
Click on View List button.
Verify subject information for the particular section will appear inside the system.
Select date of the class
Click Filter button
Verify list of students for the particular class/section will appear as per shown in figure below.
Select new attendance type from dropdown list to update attendance type (e.g from absent to MC)
Enter supporting reason in remarks field for late, MC, etc.
Click Submit button at most bottom of the page to save the changes.
1.2.3.View Attendance
To view the attendance. Follow the steps below:
Select current Academic session option.
Choose faculty.
Choose specific section / class option (will only list sections /classes teach by the specific lecturers).
Choose action as attendance view option.
Click view list button.
Verify previously added attendance will appear in the screen. The percentage of the attendance will be auto calculated based on the days present or absent (as per shown in figure below).

Click on View Detailed Report link to view summary of attendance entered previously (refer below figure).

Verify student ID, student name, percentage of the attendance, date of class together with type of attendance (e.g L for late, / for attend and X for absent) will be appearing in the screen. User may hover to the attendance type to see the remarks details and print the
attendance list.